Tag Archives: destiny 2 collectibles

Destiny 2 Necrotic Cypher Locations – Inquisition of The Damned Lore Triumph
Necrotic Cyphers are lore triumph items in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep. There are 14 of them in total, and they’re strewn across the newly introduced Moon…

Destiny 2 Misplaced Trust Dead Ghost Location – Hellmouth
Misplaced Trust is one of the nine dead ghosts in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep. This collectible is located in Hellmouth, the central area of the Moon…

Destiny 2 Together Forever Dead Ghost Circle of Bones Location
Together Forever Dead Ghost in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Circle of Bones is an item that you have to find in order to complete one of…

Destiny 2 Dark Dreams Dead Ghost Lunar Battlegrounds Location
Dark Dreams Dead Ghost in Lunar Battlegrounds is one of the Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Dead Ghost Trace quests. To complete it, you have to find…

Destiny 2 True Believer Dead Ghost Location – Summoning Pits
True Believer is a dead ghost collectible in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep. It is located in the Summoning Pits, one of the confusing underground areas that…

Destiny 2 Adonna’s Quest Dead Ghost Shrine of Oryx Location
Adonna’s Quest Dead Ghost in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is an item you can find in the Shrine of Oryx to complete one of the Dead…

Destiny 2 Greatest Sacrifice Dead Ghost Location – Gatehouse
Greatest Sacrifice is one of the dead ghosts in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep. You’ll find this ghost fragment in the Gatehouse, the underground area in the…

Destiny 2 First Crota Team’s Fallen Dead Ghost Location in World’s Grave
The Dead Ghost in First Crota Team’s Fallen Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is an item that you have to find in World’s Grave to complete the…

Destiny 2 Futile Search Dead Ghost Location Quest
Futile Search Dead Ghost in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is an item that you have to collect in order to complete the Dead Ghost Trace quest….

Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Dead Ghost Locations – Lost Ghost Trace
Dead ghosts are collectibles in Destiny 2. Nine of them were added in Shadowkeep, hidden across the Moon. Thing got complicated further with the addition…

Destiny 2 Region Chest Locations – Map of golden chests
Region chests or Golden chests are unique loot containers in Destiny 2. There’s at least one gold chest in each public sector, and they can…

Dead Ghost Stories Lore Triumph Locations – Destiny 2 Forsaken
Dead ghosts are collectibles in Destiny 2. They were added in the Forsaken DLC, and you can find them on all of the maps. Each…

Destiny 2 Sleeper Node Locations – How to Get Override Frequency
Sleeper nodes are a type of collectible in Destiny 2. They’re floating pyraminds you’ll find scattered across Mars, and you’ll need to collect Override Frequencies…

Destiny 2 Latent Memory Locations – Warmind Data Cache Collectibles
Latent memories are collectibles in Destiny 2. They’re part of the Warmind DLC, which means you’ll find them on Mars. There’s 45 of them in…

Destiny 2 Tower Scannable Objects Locations
Destiny 2 Tower scannable lore objects locations guide shows you where to find all of them. These twenty-two lore objects are hidden throughout all three…