Tag Archives: destiny 2 armor

Destiny 2 Dreambane Armor Set – Essence Cleansing Quests
Dreambane armor set is one of the new outfits in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep. It’s a legendary set with variants for each class, and you can…

Destiny 2 Essence of Fear – How to Fix Quest Not Appearing Bug
Essence of Fear in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is a quest that you have to complete in order to earn the Dreambane Plate chest armor. Completing…

Destiny 2 Essence of Anguish Quest – How to Complete 3 Bounties
Essence of Anguish in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is a quest that you have to complete in order to earn the Dreambane Boots, and the main…

Destiny 2 How to Get Prime Armor Sets in Season of the Drifter
Prime Sets are new armor sets you can earn in Destiny 2. You can get the Prime Sets by playing Gambit during the Season of…

Iron Banner Season 4 Weapons & Armor – Destiny 2
Iron Banner season 4 has just started in Destiny 2, and it brings a lot of new gear into the game. There’s one armor set…

Last Wish Raid Loot, Weapons & Armor – Destiny 2
Last Wish raid loot are items you can get by playing the new raid in Destiny 2 Forsaken. The Dreaming City raid will reward you…

Destiny 2 Escalation Protocol Armor – How to Get
Escalation Protocol Armor is a new armor set you can get in Destiny 2 Warmind DLC. You can get the armor pieces by participating in…

Destiny 2 Leviathan Eater of Worlds Raid Lair Rewards
Leviathan, Eater of Worlds is a raid lair – a new activity in Destiny 2, Curse of Osiris DLC. It brings new items to the…

Destiny 2 Iron Banner Armor & Weapons
The Iron Banner event in Destiny 2 has begun. By participating, you can earn some sweet armor and weapons. When playing Iron Banner, you take…

Destiny 2 Leviathan Raid Rewards Loot – Armor and Weapons
Destiny 2 Leviathan Raid has just become available, and there’s plenty of Raid Armor and Weapon rewards becoming available to players that manage to beat…

Destiny 2 Eye of Another World, Sunbracers, Wings of Sacred Dawn
Eye of Another World, Sunbracers and Wings of Sacred Dawn are pieces of exotic armor in Destiny 2. They’re meant for the warlock class, and…

Destiny 2 Mask of The Quiet One Exotic Titan Helmet
Mask of the Quiet One is an exotic helmet in Destiny 2. It’s can only be worn by titans, even though it gives off a…

Destiny 2 Exotic Titan Armor
Destiny 2 Titan Exotic armor are rare equipment that grant various perks when worn. These include helmets, gauntlets, chest armor, and boots, specifically tailored to…

Destiny 2 Exotic Hunter Armor
Destiny 2 exotic Hunter armor include various helmets, chest pieces, gauntlets, and boots. Every piece of Exotic armor is a hard to find, and requires…

Destiny 2 Exotic Warlock Armor
Destiny 2 Exotic Warlock Armor are hard-to-find equipment, designed to give your Guardian an edge. You can get exotic helmets, chest armor, boots and gauntlets,…