Tag Archives: dark souls 3 rings

Scholar Ring
Scholar Ring is an attribute ring you can get in Dark Souls 3. It increases intelligence by five. Considering you can find this ring later…

Hunter’s Ring
Hunter’s Ring is an attribute ring in Dark Souls 3. This is a dexterity ring, which means it increases the dexterity attribute by 5 points….

Lloyd’s Sword Ring
Lloyd’s Sword Ring is an item in Dark Souls 3. You can acquire this ring early in the game. It boosts your attack power when…

Sage Ring
Sage Ring is an item in Dark Souls 3. If you are a caster, you’ll like this item as it shortens your spell casting time….

Flynn’s Ring
Flynn’s Ring is an attack buff ring in Dark Souls 3. You can find this ring fairly early on in the game, in the Undead…

Carthus Bloodring & Milkring
Carthus Bloodring and Milkring are both rolling enhancement rings in Dark Souls 3. They can be found in Catacombs of Carthus, fairly close to each…

Knight’s Ring
Knight’s Ring is an item in Dark Souls 3. This is the ring that increases one of the most used damage attributes – Strength. When…

Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring
Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring is an item in Dark Souls 3. If you are playing as a caster you’ll want to get this ring, as it…

Clutch Rings
There are three Clutch Rings in Dark Souls 3. When worn, they increase the appropriate non-physical attack but reduce your damage absorption. Fire Clutch is…

Stoneplate Rings
Stoneplate Rings are three items found in Dark Souls 3. They are known as damage absorption rings, and they protect against fire, lightning and dark….

Witch’s Ring
Witch’s Ring is an item in Dark Souls 3. It greatly boosts pyromancies, increasing their damage, which makes it mandatory for players who like this…

Covetous Gold Serpent Ring
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring is a special item in Dark Souls 3. It’s a ring that increases your item discovery a lot, which helps you…

Havel’s Ring
Havel’s Ring is an item found in Dark Souls 3. This a must-have ring if you like to carry heavy armor and weapons, as it…

Red Tearstone Ring
Red Tearstone Ring is an item in Dark Souls 3. This is a ring that boosts your attack power when you’re low on health. It’s…

Chloranthy Ring in DkS3
Chloranthy Ring is an item in Dark Souls 3. When equipped, it will increase the speed at which your stamina regenerates. This will allow you…

Covetous Silver Serpent Ring
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring is a rare item in Dark Souls 3. It looks like a silver snake with pale blue eyes coiling around your…

Soul of a Stray Demon
Soul of a Stray Demon is a unique item in Dark Souls 3. You can get it by killing the Stray Demon in Farron Keep,…