Tag Archives: dark souls 3 items

Millwood Knight Armor Set
Millwood Knight Armor is a new set added in the Ashes of Ariandel. This set was shown in the official trailers for the DLC. It…

Pyromancy Tome Locations
Pyromancy Tomes are books that can help you learn new fire spells in Dark Souls 3. After finding them, you’ll need to bring them to…

Mimic Chest Locations
Mimics are unique monsters in Dark Souls 3. They look like regular chests, but when you try to open them, they’ll try to swallow you,…

Infusion Gem Locations
Infusion gems are materials used to infuse weapons in Dark Souls 3. They let you change the type of damage your weapon does, but also…

Witch’s Ring
Witch’s Ring is an item in Dark Souls 3. It greatly boosts pyromancies, increasing their damage, which makes it mandatory for players who like this…

Covetous Gold Serpent Ring
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring is a special item in Dark Souls 3. It’s a ring that increases your item discovery a lot, which helps you…

Havel’s Ring
Havel’s Ring is an item found in Dark Souls 3. This a must-have ring if you like to carry heavy armor and weapons, as it…

Crow Trading List
Crow Merchants are a couple of unseen traders in Dark Souls 3. Their nest can be found near Firelink Shrine. You can leave items there,…

All Ring Locations
Rings are wearable items in Dark Souls 3. You can have four equipped at a time, and they provide you with various passive bonuses. There’s…

Symbol of Avarice in DkS3
Symbol of Avarice is a helmet in Dark Souls 3. It’s the head of a Mimic, a monster disguised as a treasure chest. Wearing it…

Divine Tome Locations
Divine Tomes are key items that let you learn new miracles in Dark Souls 3. They can be taken to Irina of Carim, after what…

Titanite Slab Locations
Titanite Slabs are upgrade materials in Dark Souls 3. They are very rare – there’s only a handful of them in the game. They’re used…

Ashes Locations in DkS3
Umbral Ashes are key items that unlock new wares in the shop in Dark Souls 3. When you collect them, you should take them to…

Chloranthy Ring in DkS3
Chloranthy Ring is an item in Dark Souls 3. When equipped, it will increase the speed at which your stamina regenerates. This will allow you…

Undead Bone Shard Locations
Undead Bone Shards are special items in Dark Souls 3. These white chunks of bone can be used at bonfires to raise the bonfire level,…

Sorcery Scroll Locations
Sorcery Scrolls are magic tomes in Dark Souls 3. When given to a spell-casting NPC, they allow him to teach you new sorceries. This is…

Coal Locations
Infusion Coals are key items in Dark Souls 3. When taken to Andre, the blacksmith, they’ll unlock different kinds of infusion. These will let you…

Covetous Silver Serpent Ring
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring is a rare item in Dark Souls 3. It looks like a silver snake with pale blue eyes coiling around your…

How to Become a Dragon
There are a couple of items in Dark Souls 3 that let you transform into a dragon. When you’re in this form, you’ll be able…

Estus Shard Locations
Estus Shards are items in Dark Souls 3. You can use them to reinforce your Estus flask, which increases the number of charges it carries….