Tag Archives: dark souls 3 guides

Nameless King Boss Fight
Nameless King is an optional boss in Dark Souls 3. He can be found in the hidden zone of Archdragon Peak. This is probably the…

How to use Spells & Magic in Dark Souls 3
Players who decided to focus their characters on spell casting can choose between a variety of offensive, defensive and support spells (magic) in Sorcery, Pyromancy…

DkS3 Save Game Location
Dark Souls 3 saves your progress automatically onto a single save file. This was done so that you couldn’t reload to change your decisions, but…

How to Invade & Play PvP
Dark Souls 3 PvP revolves around invasions. One player is the host, while the other is the invader. They duel to the death, after which…

PC controls in Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls 3 can be played on a gamepad or using a keyboard and mouse. If you’re having problems memorizing all the different commands and…

Errors and crashes in Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls 3 has officially launched today, and as is often the case, it’s not without some errors and problems. People are already complaining about…

How to Play Coop in DkS3
Dark Souls 3 Multiplayer allows you to summon friends or random players to help you clear out an area or defeat a boss more easily….

Crystal Sage Boss
Crystal Sage is a boss you can fight in Dark Souls 3. He’s hidden away in the Road of Sacrifices area, near the Crucifixion Woods…

Dancer of the Boreal Valley
Dancer of the Boreal Valley is a must-kill boss in Dark Souls 3. Once High Priestess Emma is dead the boss fight with the Dancer…

Aldrich, Devourer of Gods
Aldrich, Devourer of Gods is a boss you’ll have to kill in Dark Souls 3, as he is one of the cinder lords. He can…

Yhorm the Giant Boss
Yhorm the Giant is a mandatory boss in Dark Souls 3. Yhorm appears in the game’s prologue and is definitely one of the memorable bosses….

Pontiff Sulyvahn Boss Guide
Pontiff Sulyvahn is not an optional boss in Dark Souls 3. He can be found in the Boreal Valley. Once he is defeated you gain…

High Lord Wolnir Boss
High Lord Wolnir is a boss in Dark Souls 3. He can be found at the end of the Catacombs of Carthus. After you defeat…

Abyss Watchers Boss Guide
Abyss Watchers are a boss in Dark Souls 3. They appear at the end of Farron Keep. There’s several of them, and the first part…

Deacons of The Deep
Deacons of The Deep are one of the bosses in Dark Souls 3. They can be found at the bottom of the Cathedral of The…

Curse-Rotted Greatwood Boss
Curse-Rotted Greatwood is a boss in Dark Souls 3. You can find it in the Undead Settlement. After you’ve killed it, you’ll get a unique…

Vordt of The Boreal Valley Boss Guide
Vordt of The Boreal Valley is the second boss in Dark Souls 3. He’s a knight-turned-beast you’ll encounter at the High Wall of Lothric. After…

Iudex Gundyr Boss Guide
Iudex Gundyr is the first boss in Dark Souls 3. He appears at the end of the Cemetery of Ash, and opens the way to…

Titanite Slab Locations
Titanite Slabs are upgrade materials in Dark Souls 3. They are very rare – there’s only a handful of them in the game. They’re used…

Wolf Knight Armor Set
Wolf Knight Armor Set is an outfit in Dark Souls 3. It was originally worn by Artorias of the Abyss, a valiant knight of old….