Tag Archives: borderlands 3 weapons

Borderlands 3 Bounty of Blood Legendaries – Legendary Weapons
There are around twenty new legendary weapons in Bounty of Blood, the recently released DLC for Borderlands 3. All weapon types are represented, and there…

Borderlands 3 Sand Hawk Legendary Weapon – How to Get
Sand Hawk is a legendary weapon in Borderlands 3. It was added along with the Mayhem Mode 2.0 update, and if you’re a fan of…

Face-puncher Legendary Shotgun Location in Borderlands 3
Borderlands 3 Face-puncher legendary shotgun is a new legendary weapon that you can get in the game. The Face-puncher shotgun has relatively limited use, depending…

Borderlands 3 Mayhem 4 Legendary Weapons – Best M4 Legendaries
Mayhem 4 legendary weapons are some of the new items in Borderlands 3. This gear is specific because it only drops on M4 difficulty. There…

Rare Spawn Hunt Locations – Legendary Weapons, Artifacts, Mods, Shields
Rare spawn hunt is an in-game event in Borderlands 3 that is part of the ten year anniversary celebration of the whole franchise. During this…

Borderlands 3 Weapon Trinkets
Weapon Trinkets in Borderlands 3 are a cosmetic item that you can put on your weapon. The Borderlands 3 weapon trinkets don’t appear to give…

Borderlands 3 Early Legendary Weapons – SkekSil, Mind-Killer
Legendary weapons are among the best items in Borderlands 3. You’ll recognize them by the orange color, and the preset perks that offer some unique…

Borderlands 3 Where to Find VIP Reward Weapons – Maliwan, Dahl, Vladof
VIP reward weapons are special guns in Borderlands 3. They can be obtained by collecting VIP points. You get these by redeeming codes found outside…

Borderlands 3 Golden Touch Shield – Golden Calves Poster & Statue Locations
Golden Touch is a unique weapon in Borderlands 3. It’s a melee shield that you’ll get as a reward for completing the Golden Calves side…