Tag Archives: bloodborne weapons

Reiterpallasch Sword Location Guide
Reiterpallasch is a trick weapon in Bloodborne. It can be found in Forsaken Cainhurst Castle. It is a one-handed sword that transforms into a gun-saber….

Evelyn Pistol Location Guide
Evelyn is a firearm in Bloodborne. You can find it in Forsaken Cainhurst Castle. It scales amazingly with Bloodtinge, so every hunter that relies on…

Rifle Spear Location And Stats Guide – Bloodborne Weapons
Rifle Spear is one of the trick weapons in Bloodborne. It is a spear with a gun attached, so you can both pierce and shoot…

Ludwig’s Holy Blade Location And Stats Guide – Bloodborne weapons
Ludwig’s Holy Blade is a trick weapon in Bloodborne. It is a sword with two forms – a thin, long sword that is used alongside…

Cannon Location And Stats Guide – Bloodborne weapons
Cannon is one of the left-hand weapons in Bloodborne. Unlike most firearms, the cannon doesn’t stagger your opponents, but actually does damage – lots of…