Tag Archives: Apex Legends guides

Apex Legends FS CheckAsyncRequest Error Fix
Are you getting the Apex FS_CheckAsyncRequest error whenever you try to load into a map? Over the recent couple of months, one of the most…

Apex Legends Gifting not Working, Gift a Friend Disabled
If you are wondering why is gifting not working in Apex Legends, you are not alone. Since the start of 2024, Apex Legends players noticed…

Apex Crashing After FF VII Event Update
If Apex Legends keeps crashing after the FF VII Event update, you should know that many other players are currently experiencing this issue as well….

Apex Legends FF Event Packs Lost Fix
If your Apex Legends FF Event Packs are gone, don’t worry. We have a solution! Apex Legends and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth crossover event is…

Apex Legends Stuck on Update Required, Infinite Loop Bug
The latest update to Apex Legends has recently been released. As is usual, the update in question has brought with it a number of balance…

Apex Legends TSM 2023 Summer Invitational
Want to know how to watch Apex Legends TSM 2023 Summer Invitational stream? The first major community Apex tournament for this summer is here! In…

Apex Legends 429 Error Code, Connection to the Matchmaking Server Failed
In our Apex Legends 429 Error Code, Connection to the Matchmaking Server Failed guide, we are going to give you a number of potential solutions…

Apex Legends April Fools 2023, All New Mozambique Versions
The Apex Legends April Fools 2023 event is here! As is tradition, each year on April 1st, EA and Respawn set a special mini-event for…

Apex Error Code 110, Foundation Error Code 110
Not sure how to fix Apex Legends Foundation Error Code 110? As with most always-online games, connection and server issues are bound to happen from…

Apex Legends Event Packs Not Showing, Imperial Guard Collection
If Apex Legends Imperial Guard Collection Event Packs are not showing in the event track, you should know you’re not alone. The 4th-anniversary celebration in…

Game Version Does Not Match Host Apex Legends Fix
Apex Legends is a free-to-play online battle royale-hero shooter. As it is an online game, sometimes certain connectivity issues arise that can prevent you from…

Apex Legends Couldn’t Initialize Sound Error Fix Season 15
Is Apex Legends constantly crashing in Season 15? Are you getting the “Couldn’t Initialize Sound” error when trying to launch Apex Legends? We’ve got you…

Apex Legends Gifting Explained
Do you want to know how to send gifts to friends in Apex Legends? You’ve come to the right place! The new Apex Legends Gifting…

Apex Legends Golden Ticket, What Does it Do & How to Use
What does the Golden Ticket do in Apex Legends? Apex Legends Season 15 is approaching fast and developer Respawn is slowly starting to tease players…

Apex Legends Beast of Prey Event Release Time & Date
What time does the Apex Legends Beast of Prey event start? The Beast of Prey Collection Event is almost here, bringing us a host of…