Tag Archives: animal crossing new horizons guides

Trees, Furniture, Statues Disappeared after ACNH Update 2.0 Bug Solution
The Trees, Furniture, Statues Disappeared after ACNH Update 2.0 bug solution has been a matter of some discussion among the Animal Crossing New Horizons player…

How to Get Wheat in ACNH
Among other new inclusions and changes in the latest update to Animal Crossing: New Horizons, cooking has also been added to ACNH. Of course, in…

Gyroids ACNH – How to Get and Use Gyroid Fragments
Animal Crossing New Horizons 2.0 Gyroids are one of many new features added to the game in the latest update to the game. Now, Gyroids…

Brewster ACNH – How to Get Brewster and Roost
Animal Crossing: New Horizons update 2.0 is out, and with it come plenty of new additions to the game. One of these is the character…

Donation Box ACNH – How to Get & Use Donation Box Animal Crossing 2.0
The Donation Box in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2.0 is a new item added in the new update. It allows other people to place Bells…

Animal Crossing Nook Points New Currency
Nook Points are a new currency coming to New Horizons any day now. This has been confirmed by the game’s official Twitter, and, needless to…

Animal Crossing Hello Kitty Items, Villagers & Amiibo Cards
Sanrio Amiibo cards have finally been updated – you can now use them to get more than just posters in Animal Crossing New Horizons. They…

Animal Crossing Secret Tip – Plant Trees, Bushes on Paths
There’s a glitch in Animal Crossing that you can use to plant trees, bushes, flowers, and other stuff on paths. It’s an easy thing to…

Get Mario Pipe in Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing Mario Pipe is an item that you can get in the new cross-promotion that features a ton of Mario items and outfits. However…

Get Mario Items in Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing Mario items include a whole bunch of stuff that you’ll be able to purchase once you download the content update and the event…

How to Download Animal Crossing Summer Update
Animal Crossing has recently been enriched with a summer update. It’s a free addition to the game, one that adds a new NPC, the ability…

Wetsuits Animal Crossing New Horizons
Animal Crossing New Horizons wetsuits are a new type of clothes that you can buy in the game. You need to use the swimsuits in…

Pirate Gulliver Animal Crossing New Horizons
Pirate Gulliver is a remixed version of an old NPC in Animal Crossing New Horizons. He’s not too different from regular old Gulliver, but he…

How to Swim & Dive in Animal Crossing New Horizons
Swimming and diving are new features in Animal Crossing New Horizons. They were added in the free summer update, and they allow you to traverse…

Sea Creatures Animal Crossing New Horizons
Animal Crossing Sea Creatures are new animals that have been added in the summer update, which you can catch and take to the aquarium. There…

Mermaid Furniture Animal Crossing New Horizons
Mermaid furniture is a new addition in Animal Crossing New Horizons. It’s part of the first free summer update, and it will allow you to…

Scallop Animal Crossing New Horizons Locations
Animal Crossing scallops in New Horizons is a new type of animal that you can catch, added in the summer update. Finding scallops in Animal…

How to Find Pascal Animal Crossing New Horizons
Pascal is a new NPC in Animal Crossing New Horizons. He’s a red otter and loves to swim – he was added in the summer…

Animal Crossing Pearls Locations – New Horizons
Animal Crossing pearls are a new crafting item that has been added in the New Horizons summer update. Getting pearls in Animal Crossing New Horizons…

How to Catch a Scorpion ACNH
Scorpions are one of the types of bug you can catch in Animal Crossing New Horizons. They appear only during certain times of year and…