Tag Archives: Anarky Tag

Gotham City Royal Hotel Anarky
Gotham City Royal Hotel Anarky Tag 15 is a hidden symbol under Gotham City Intel menu. Head towards north-east Diamond District map area. Go around the building and look for a parking lot.
Gotham City Cinema Anarky
Head towards northern Diamond District map area. Huge EX-MAS builbord hides Anarky Tag. Scan it while in Detective mode in order to collect the tag.

Soder Cola Anarky
Soder Cola Anarky Tag 11 is a hidden symbol under Gotham City Intel menu. Head towards north-east Diamond District map area, and look for a huge bottle on the building wall or a neon sign Soder Cola on the rooftop.

Hamilton Hill Anarky
Hamilton Hill Anarky Tag 16 is a hidden symbol under Gotham City Intel menu. Head towards northern Burney, and approach Hamilton Hill building from the south-west.

Mendo Soap Anarky
Mando Soap factory is located in the northwest part of Coventry map area. This Anarky tag is hidden on the west wall next to a huge pipe.

Anarky Tag and Plaques Location Guides
To fill your Gotham City Intel database you will have to locate 32 Anarky Tags and Cyrus Pinkney Plaques scattered around the city. We have screenshots and walkthroughs for most of them grouped on this page to help you complete the game 100%.

Cale-Anderson Anarky
Hidden symbol numbered 32 under Gotham City Intel menu is Cale-Anderson Anarky. The sign is on the building in Coventry district, in the Northern map area, hidden on a wall, next to the bottom left corner of the hooked machinery.

Wayne Enterprises Anarky
Anarky Tag located on Wayne Enterprises building is hidden on a wall next to delivery truck. The hidden symbol is located in Coventry district. It can be spotted in the central map area west of Lacey Towers. When you find a huge neon sign W ENT, glide down towards delivery truck on the street. Tag becomes visible only when you activate Detective Vision mode.

Lacey Towers Anarky
Hidden symbol located in Coventry district can be spotted on the Lacey Tower building, in the central map area. Tag becomes visible only when you activate Detective Vision mode.