Tag Archives: ac valhalla world events

AC Valhalla Golden Boar Mount Location
The AC Valhalla Golden Boar Mount location is fairly easy to find, and, depending on your level, might not even be that hard to get….

AC Valhalla King of the Hill
King of the Hill in AC Valhalla is one of the many mysteries that you can complete in the game. This particular one takes place…

AC Valhalla Blind & Lame Man – Clee Hill Spring Sciropescire Mystery
The Clee Hill Spring Sciropescire Mystery in AC Valhalla requires you to help a lame man and a blind man reach the miraculous water. Supposedly,…

Pig of Prophecy Bug – Cent Mysteries AC Valhalla
AC Valhalla Pig of Prophecy is a Mystery World Event that you find in Cantenbury, in Cent. Unfortunately, there’s a bug in the Pig of…

AC Valhalla Madness of the Stones Black Screen Bug Solution
Madness of the Stones black screen bug in AC Valhalla is a glitch that you can run into during one of the world events in…

Take Seer to Rada or Next Bloodstone – Life-Blood East Anglia World Quest Mystery
In the Life-Blood world quest mystery in East Anglia in AC Valhalla, you’ll have to make a seemingly important choice – whether to take the…

AC Valhalla Necklace in Cow’s Stomach – Lunden Mystery
Necklace in cow’s stomach is a part of one of the AC Valhalla Lunden Mysteries that has been causing a lot of confusion among players….

Lunden Mysteries AC Valhalla
AC Valhalla Lunden Mysteries are five different world events that you can complete in the city. They vary from flyting and discovering treasures, to stealing…

AC Valhalla Njord’s Lament World Event – Asgard Mysteries
Njord’s Lament world event in AC Valhalla is one of several Asgard Mysteries that you can find and solve in the game. It requires you…

AC Valhalla Viper Egg Location – Ledecestre World Quest Mystery
Viper eggs are items in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. They’re not something you’d ever expect to want or need, but there’s a world event in Ledecestre,…

AC Valhalla Vinland Mysteries – Hunter in the Woods to the West Location World Quest
Hunter in the woods to the west in AC Valhalla is one of the world event quests in Vinland, after you complete several main quests…

AC Valhalla Sjaleng Lookout Deserter – Eyvind Sleepwalker Location
Sjaleng Lookout Deserter in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is a world event that you can complete in the game, and requires you to find the location…

AC Valhalla the Walloper – Beat the Old Man’s Wallop World Quest
The Walloper in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is one of the numerous world quests dotted around the map. This particular world event is called Beat the…

AC Valhalla Eel Location & Bug – Ledecesterscire World Event
Eels are one of the fish you can catch in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. More importantly, they’re part of world event in Ledercesterscire, where a man…

AC Valhalla Shoo Shoo Anglo Saxon Woman – Key in Grantebridge World Event
There’s an Anglo Saxon woman in Grantebridge that’ll start shouting “Shoo! Shoo!” at you if you approach her. She can be found in the fields…

AC Valhalla Erlend Rygjafylke World Event – Bring Me A Beast
Erlend is an NPC in Assasin’s Creed Valhala. He can be found in the forest by shore in the far southwest of Rygjafylke, west of…

AC Valhalla Comb location for Bil Maiden’s Missive Rygjafylke World Event
AC Valhalla comb for Bil is a Rygjafylke world event in Hildisvini Crag that requires you to find a comb for beautiful lady, as detailed…