Tag Archives: ac valhalla quests

AC Valhalla Get Melee Kills in Wenlocan Outpost Bear Trial Mastery Challenge
Get melee kills in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Wenlocan Outpost Bear Trial is one of the tasks you have to complete in this Mastery Challenge to…

Barid is Right, Barid is Wrong AC Valhalla
The Barid choice in AC Valhalla that we’ll be covering here happens during the Northern Reach quest in Wrath of the Druids DLC. At this…

Honorable Death Or I Can’t Kill You AC Valhalla
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Honorable Death Or I Can’t Kill You is a choice that you have to make at the end of the Wrath of…

Wren Clues AC Valhalla Wrath of the Druids
AC Valhalla Wren clues in the Wrath of the Druids DLC are notes that you need to find during the Potion of Blood quest to…

Inquisition Would Work or I Don’t Agree Cost of Betrayal Choices AC Valhalla
During the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Cost of Betrayal quest, you’ll come across a choice. You can opt to agree with the kings on starting an…

Ciara Romance – Wrath Of Druids AC Valhalla DLC
The Ciara Romance in AC Valhalla DLC is the new romance option added in the Wrath of the Druids. You’ll have the chance to start…

AC Valhalla Spiritual Defense – Find & Light Firepits
Spiritual Defense is a quest in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It’s part of the Ostara festival, and it involves helping Alvis set up defenses in case…

AC Valhalla Egg Hunt Riddle Solution – Ostara Festival – Easter Eggs
The Egg Hunt in AC Valhalla is one of the quests that you can complete during the Ostara Festival. As the name implies, it’s a…

AC Valhalla Vili or Trygve
Vili or Trygve in AC Valhalla is a choice you’ll have to make in the Farewells and Legacies quest in Snotinghamscire. You’ll have to choose…

The Legacy of Saint George – AC Valhalla
AC Valhalla Legacy of Saint George is a new quest added to the game in the newest update, and it requires you to find two…

AC Valhalla Drengiligr – Ragnar Legendary Dagger
Drengiligr in AC Valhalla is a legendary dagger that used to belong to Ragnar Lothbrok. In order to get the legendary Drengiligr dagger in Assassin’s…

Lost Drengr of Ragnar Lothbrok – Reconstruct Ragnar’s Death AC Valhalla
AC Valhalla Lost Drengr of Ragnar Lothbrok quest requires you to reconstruct Ragnar’s death as one of the steps. To do so, you need to…

AC Valhalla Mistress of the Iron Wood
Mistress of the Iron Wood in AC Valhalla is a quest that you’ll have to complete when you arrive in Jotunheim. Doing the Mistress of…

Broder Romance in AC Valhalla
AC Valhalla Broder is one of a number of NPCs, such as Randvi, Petra, and Estrid, that you can have a romantic encounter with. Of…

Search for Ljufvina – Dockmaster Location in AC Valhalla
AC Valhalla Search for Ljufvina is a part of the Jorvik quest, and it requires you to figure out where to find Ljufvina and Hjorr….

Leah Villa Garrison Armor – Brewing Rebellion AC Valhalla
AC Valhalla Leah Villa Garrison armor in Brewing Rebellion is a piece of wealth that you can find, but only after you solve a puzzle…

AC Valhalla Lady Eadwyn Choice
The Lady Eadwyn choice in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla happens at the very end of the Saga Stone quest, after you complete the raid on Cyne…

AC Valhalla Tilting the Balance – King Burgred Hideout Location
Tilting the Balance is one of the story quests in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It’s part of the Ledecesterscire arc, and one of the final ones,…

AC Valhalla Tilting the Balance – Aethelswith Choices
Aethelswith choices in AC Valhalla happen during the Tilting the Balance quest. You’re grilling Lady Aethelswith for the location of king Burgred. She, of course,…

AC Valhalla Going Deeper – Waking Up in Asgard
Going Deeper is a quest in Assasin’s Creed Valhalla. It’s the one where you bring Valka the herbs from the cave in Cent, then drink…