Tag Archives: ac valhalla guides

Where the Stone Falls AC Valhalla – Vote for Ealdorman
Where the Stone Falls is a quest in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It’s one of the Lincolnscire quests, the one in which you’re supposed to help…

AC Valhalla Mushroom Fire – Fly Agaric Puzzle Solution
Mushroom fire is one of the puzzles in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It’s one of the Fly Agaric challenges, which involves eating a hallucinogenic mushroom, then…

AC Valhalla Besuncen Tor Gear Wealth Armor Underwater
Besuncen Tor in AC Valhalla is a location that houses several pieces of wealth, including a carbon ingot and armor gear. Both of these require…

Walls And Shadows AC Valhalla Clue Location – Investigate Tryggr’s Murder
Walls and Shadows is a quest in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It’s a murder investigation, in which you have to figure out the facts of Tryggr’s…

AC Valhalla Njord’s Lament World Event – Asgard Mysteries
Njord’s Lament world event in AC Valhalla is one of several Asgard Mysteries that you can find and solve in the game. It requires you…

AC Valhalla Grimes Graves – Key to Locked Door, Treasure of Britain
Grimes Graves is a cave system in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It’s one of the Treasure of Britain locations, which means it’s home to a mystery…

AC Valhalla War Weary – Who gets the silver – Sciropescire
AC Valhalla War Weary – who to give the silver choice happens in Sciropescire, and requires you to choose who gets the silver. This seems…

AC Valhalla Nightshade Location
Nightshade in AC Valhalla is a plant that you need to find during the Way of the Berserker preorder bonus quest; specifically, during the Ritual…

AC Valhalla Viper Egg Location – Ledecestre World Quest Mystery
Viper eggs are items in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. They’re not something you’d ever expect to want or need, but there’s a world event in Ledecestre,…

AC Valhalla Dandelion Puff – Fox Pet Oxfordshire Mystery World Quest
AC Valhalla fox pet, called Dandelion Puff, is a part of one of the Oxfordshire Mystery world quest. You have to complete the Mystery to…

AC Valhalla Chipping Away – Weaken Eadwyn’s Hold on Oxenefordscire
Chipping Away is one of the main quests in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It’s the one where you have to weaken Eadwyn’s hold on Oxenefordscire. You…

AC Valhalla Randvi Romance Consequences – Taken for Granted
Randvi AC Valhalla romance can have consequences way down the line, even the kind of ending you get, depending on your other choices. So, you…

Crepelgate Fort AC Valhalla – Ability, Key & Wealth Locations
Crepelgate Fort is one of the locations in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It is situated in the northwestern corner of Lunden. You’ll find an ability book…

AC Valhalla Lord and Lady Mystery, Brendan of Clonfert Note – Grantebridgescire
The Lord and Lady Grantebridgescire standing stone Mystery in AC Valhalla is one of several similar puzzles that you have to solve in the game….

AC Valhalla Vinland Mysteries – Hunter in the Woods to the West Location World Quest
Hunter in the woods to the west in AC Valhalla is one of the world event quests in Vinland, after you complete several main quests…

AC Valhalla Torghatten Rock Bug Solution
Torghatten Rock is one of the locations with a cairn puzzle in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Those are the meditative puzzles where you pile rocks on…

AC Valhalla Milk of Humankind Cow Bugged – Asgard Mysteries
Milk of Humankind cow bug in AC Valhalla Asgard Mystery is a problem that some of you might encounter while doing the various tasks in…

East Anglia Hoard Map AC Valhalla
AC Valhalla East Anglia hoard map is one of a plethora of treasure maps that you can find scattered across the game. Finding the East…

AC Valhalla Abbey Key for Fulke – Pilgrimage to St Albanes
Pilgrimage to St. Albanes is a quest in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It’s the one in which you raid Saint Albanes Abbey looking for riches and…

Burn or Keep Book Bleeding the Leech Quest Choice Consequences AC Valhalla
AC Valhalla burn or keep book is a choice you’ll have to make at the end of the Bleeding the Leech quest. You’ll have to…