Tag Archives: ac origins guides

AC Origins Deafening Silence Papyrus Puzzle Guide
Deafening Silence papyrus puzzle is one of the riddle challenges in Assassin’s Creed Origins. You can start it by picking up a scroll at the…

AC Origins Papyrus Puzzle Solutions – Elementary, My Dear Bayek Trophy
Papyrus puzzles are difficult riddles in Assassin’s Creed Origins. The puzzle begins when you find a piece of papyrus hidden in one of the game’s…

AC Origins Nature’s Way Papyrus Puzzle Walkthrough
Nature’s Way is one of the papyrus puzzles in Assassin’s Creed Origins. You can find the scroll that starts this treasure hunt at the Great…

AC Origins Dead End Papyrus Puzzle Guide
Dead End papyrus puzzle in AC Origins will teach you about the agriculture of ancient Egypt. The scroll can be picked up in Kanopis Nome,…

AC Origins Ray of Hope Papyrus Puzzle Solution Guide
Ray of Hope papyrus puzzle in Assassin’s Creed Origins takes you on a journey through two separate maps. The scripture with the riddle is in…

AC Origins Divided Valley Papyrus Puzzle Walkthrough
Divided Valley is one of the papyrus puzzles in Assassin’s Creed Origins. You can find the scroll that starts this treasure hunt in the glorious…

AC Origins Stone Gaze Papyrus Puzzle Solution
The Stone Gaze papyrus puzzle is just one of many AC Origins riddles in Alexandria. This level 9-12 zone is reachable early on in the…

AC Origins Fertile Lands Papyrus Puzzle Guide
Fertile Lands papyrus puzzle in Assassin’s Creed Origins starts in the Lake Mareotis zone. This is a level 6-8 area you’ll reach fairly early on…

AC Origins A Long Drink Papyrus Puzzle Solution
A Long Drink is one of the first papyrus puzzles you can find in Assassin’s Creed Origins. It starts when you find a scroll with…

AC Origins How to Change Beard & Hair
Bayek starts off Assassin’s Creed Origins with a full head of hair and a thick beard. Somewhere along the way, he shaves both off. Some…

AC Origins Mount Sprint – How to Make Horses & Camels Gallop
AC Origins mounts are used to traverse the game’s map faster. They’re a necessity, since the game’s rendition of ancient Egypt is enormous. The horses…

AC Origins How to Get Deluxe & Gold Edition Bonus Ability Points
Assassin’s Creed Origins is out, and people who’ve preordered the Deluxe or Gold editions of the game are entitled to a bunch of bonuses. The…

AC Origins Hermit Locations – Words of Wisdom Achievement
Hermit locations are places of rest in Assassin’s Creed Origins. They’re well hidden across Egypt, but they’re crucial – when you find one and meditate…

AC Origins How to Make Money – Best Ways to Earn Drachmas
Drachmas are the main currency in Assassin’s Creed Origins. These gold coins can be used to buy weapons, armor, mounts, arrows and darts, as well…

AC Origins Ezio Outfit – How to Get Legacy Costumes
Ezio’s Outfit is one of the legacy robes in Assassin’s Creed Origins. It’s the costume worn by Ezio Auditore in one of the previous games,…

AC Origins How to Level Up Fast – Best Ways to Get XP
Leveling up in Assassin’s Creed Origins makes your character stronger. Every time you get enough experience to gain a level, you’ll receive an ability point…

AC Origins Best Starting Abilities, Skills & Builds
Assassin’s Creed Origins gives you a lot of freedom when building your character. You can specialize in melee combat, stealth, bows, traps and explosives, or…

AC Origins Fallen Friend Papyrus Puzzle Solution
Fallen Friend papyrus puzzle in AC Origins starts in Memphis, an area for characters level 20 and above. This zone is in the eastern part…

AC Origins Abilities, Skills & Builds – Where to Invest Starting Points
Assassin’s Creed Origins comes with a complex ability points system. Investing in them, especially the first ones, will have a high impact on your game….

AC Origins How to Kill Ptolemy’s Fist Phylake Boss
Phylake are elite enemies in Assassin’s Creed Origins. They roam the Egyptian lands, looking for trouble everywhere they go. They’re hard to deal with, but…