Street Fighter V Cammy Trailer Released
Capcom have released a new trailer for Street Fighter V, in which they showcase Cammy. She was once brainwashed by Shadaloo, but has broken free and joined Delta Red, a squad comprised only of the best fighters around.
Cammy also likes cats, if that’s something you care about when choosing a character in a fighting game.
She doesn’t have any ranged attacks, but makes up for it by having several brutal up-close attacks. Most Cammy players will try to focus on getting near the opponent, then unleashing the powerful but short-ranged combos. Her V skill will let her teleport to the other side of the enemy fighter.
Street Fighter 5 is going to launch on February 16th, on PC and Playstation 4. Support for cross-platform play has been promised by the devs, so you’ll be able to play with anyone who buys the game, regardless of their platform.
Cammy also likes cats, if that’s something you care about when choosing a character in a fighting game.
Street Fighter 5 is going to launch on February 16th, on PC and Playstation 4. Support for cross-platform play has been promised by the devs, so you’ll be able to play with anyone who buys the game, regardless of their platform.