State of Decay 2 Easter Eggs - Mad Max, Plants vs Zombies, Halo

Easter eggs in State of Decay 2 are many, in various degrees of subtlety. They reference many different things from pop culture. This includes movies, TV shows, music, and, of course video games. You can find shout-outs to Halo, Plants vs Zombies, Mad Max, and even My Little Pony. There’s a lot of stuff to pick up on when it comes to State of Decay 2 Easter Eggs, so let’s get into it.

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State of Decay 2 Easter Eggs - Mad Max, Plants vs Zombies, Halo
State of Decay 2 Easter Eggs – Mad Max, Plants vs Zombies, Halo

Easter Eggs in State of Decay 2

There are plenty of Easter eggs in State of Decay 2, as we’ve pointed out. They reference a lot of different pop culture items, from a Bonnie Tyler song to My Little Pony. Some are blatantly obvious, while others are much more obscure (props to Reddit user TheCuriosPope for finding a lot of Easter eggs out). So, let’s dive in.

We’ll start with my favorites; the several references to the Mad Max franchise. There are three achievements that reference Mad Max: Road Warrior, Who Run Bartertown, and War Rig. Then, there’s the Maximilian vehicle (pictured above), which is clearly modeled after the Ford Falcon XB GT coupe, which was the base for the V8 Interceptor, the car that Max drives in the movies. The upgraded version, Mega Max, looks even more like the Interceptor. Lastly, there’s the achievement Be Still, My Dog of War, which is a line from Mad Max 2, spoken by Lord Humongous.

Then, there are the different video game references. For example, you might run into a zombie that has its head jammed into a traffic cone; a fairly clear shout-out to Plants vs Zombies. If you manage to locate the game console mod, and insert it in your lounge facility, you’ll get a description referencing Halo Blood Gulch. In keeping with the game’s exclusivity to Microsoft, you can also find the OG Xbox lying around in some houses.

Let’s not forget the Friendship is Magic achievement, which should make all the My Little Pony fans happy. The last one I’m going to mention is the tongue-in-cheek reference to a cheesy eighties ballad. If you destroy all the plague hearts, you’ll get the achievement Total Eclipse. This is definitely a (both clever and groan-inducing) reference to the Bonnie Tyler song “Total Eclipse of the Heart”. If you’ve found any other things that you suspect might be some kind of Easter egg, feel free to share them with us. And, if you need help with the game, feel free to browse our State of Decay 2 guides, including How to Promote Hero to Leader and Home Bases Locations.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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  1. J
    Jeff Day (DzDoe)

    i noticed as i was looking around in SOD2 on the Meagher Valley Map if you go to the middle bridge on the west side of it and the north side of the road there is a used to be hideout in some shiping containers you will find a mattress with a dead body on it and 5 dead cats scattered around and a bouquet of flowers on the body , you can also read some of the titles of the books there …..i dont know the referencebut its clearly an easter egg

  2. T
    The obvious

    The pick up trucks are called “Rhames V”- as in Ving Rhames from the Dawn of the Dead remake