Fix Starfield Breaking the Bank, Can't Exit Siren of the Stars Ship
In our Fix Starfield Breaking the Bank, Can’t Exit Siren of the Stars Ship guide, we are going to show you what to do if you can’t get off the Siren of the Stars ship. There’s more than one solution, depending on where you find yourself and what your circumstances are. Let’s get right into it, shall we?

How to Fix Can’t Exit Siren of the Stars Ship Bug in Starfield Breaking the Bank
There are basically two things that can fix the Starfield Breaking the Bank bug, in which you can’t exit the Siren of the Stars ship and proceed to New Atlantis in the Crimson Fleet mission. After all, the ship is under lockdown, so you can’t get out the way you came in. So, what you should do is equip your scanner and follow the lines on the floor. They will take you to the emergency exit of sorts, from which you’ll be able to get back to your ship. If that is not working for some reason, according to Reddit user ZealotHeretic, you need to “go back to the crew quarters until you’re at the area that’s railed in. There I’ll be a staircase on the right that leads you down and back to your ship.”
Now, that’s the fix if the Starfield Breaking the Bank bug where you can’t exit the Siren of the Stars doesn’t really hit you, or it’s just a visual bug where the scanner doesn’t show you the lines on the floor. If, on the other hand, you get stuck in the engineering section of the ship, you’re in a lot of trouble. There’s only one door, which is a pretty big problem. The only solution here is loading an earlier save and hoping for the best, or contacting Bethesda Support. Lastly, you might also encounter a bug where the whole place just turns hostile out of nowhere and they all start coming for you. Once again, you have to return to an earlier save. It might not work out, but it’s worth a shot.