Trusty Wingmate - Saved Frisk From Deadly Tail in Star Wars Squadrons
Star Wars Squadrons Trusty Wingmate Medal is a medal that you get for saving Frisk from a deadly tail. To earn the Trusty Wingmate medal in Star Wars Squadrons, you have to complete the “Destroy Interceptors Chasing Frisk” optional mission. The Destroy Interceptors optional quest isn’t exactly the most difficult of tasks, but it might cause you some problems, especially since it’s fairly early in the game. With that in mind, in our Trusty Wingmate – Saved Frisk From Deadly Tail in Star Wars Squadrons guide, we’re going to show you how to get the Trusty Wingmate medal, and how to destroy Interceptors chasing Frisk.

How to Save Frisk from Deadly Tail – Star Wars Squadrons Trusty Wingmate Medal – Destroy Interceptors
To save Frisk from the deadly tail and get the Trusty Wingmate medal in Star Wars Squadrons, you have to destroy the Interceptors chasing Frisk. The easiest way to do so is to make sure you are targeting objectives. To do that, open the radial menu by pressing and holding R2 on PS4, Right Trigger on Xbox, and 5 on PC. From that menu, highlight Objectives on the top of the dial. Press X until you’re targeting the Interceptors that are hunting after Frisk, then let go of R2 to proceed with the mission. The task should now have a blue icon. The Interceptors will have a V-shaped icon above them to make shooting them down easier.
So, all you have to do at this juncture is to destroy all the Interceptors that are attacking Frisk. Save him from the deadly tail, as it were. Mind you, that is an optional task, so you likely won’t suffer too bad of a penalty if you don’t complete it. However, you do want to be a good partner and earn the Trusty Wingmate medal, right? Besides, it’s really not too much of a hassle, as long as you track objectives and blow up all the ships that have the V-shaped icon above it. You’ll be done in no time, and Frisk will be thankful that you saved his behind.