Against The Current - Thread the Needle Medal - Star Wars Squadrons
Against The Current is one of the trophies you can get in Star Wars Squadrons. This achievement is awareded to anyone who manages to get the Thread the Needle medal in Mission 13: Fire in The Heart. To get it, you’ll need to reach the Starhawk’s core in 40 seconds without taking damage. That’s not a whole lot of time, and if you’ve already been through the mission, you know how hectic that section can get. If you need some help with it, this guide will help you unlock Star Wars Squadrons Against The Current achievement.

How to get Thread the Needle Medal in Mission 13: Fire In The Heart
Your palms are going to sweat properly during this one. Getting to the Starhawk’s core in the alloted time isn’t a problem, regardless of your class – the part about not taking damage is the real challenge here.
Our advice would be to use the bomber class. Since it’s slow and bulky, there’s less chance of colliding with the walls when you can’t perform quick, jerky movements. Fire up the mission on story mode, and wait for the objective. Once you’re in, you have to be very careful – hitting the walls will prevent you from getting the medal.
The good news is – you can restart the checkpoint when you hit the walls, and it’ll throw you back to the beginning of this section. We managed to do it after 15 or so tries. Simply open up the menu and select the “retry checkpoint” option. You’ll get the achievement (and the medal) no matter how many times you retry. We’re not sure whether the gravitation blast after you’ve destroyed the gravity emmiters counts, but just lay off the sticks during that part and you’ll be fine.
However, you won’t be able to unlock the Enduring Service medal this way, the one awarded for completing the mission without dying. If you’re trying to get all the medals, you’ll have to play this mission at least twice. Or just be incredibly lucky.
I did this first try without realizing it