All Jet Kordo's Legacy Secret Vault Locations in Star Wars Outlaws

Jet Kordo’s Legacy is a side quest in Star Wars Outlaws that you can start once you’ve gained access to a hyperdrive and can travel around to other planets. It is started by interacting with a holodisc located on a table inside your ship the Trailblazer. The table is across the table where you upgrade your blaster. I believe that it can be started once you’re back on Toshara for the first time. All it does is give you a hologram map that you can access by pressing 6 on your keyboard or by holding left on your controller’s d-pad and pressing B on Xbox or Circle on Playstation. This hologram map has peculiarly shaped rock formation and a big red pin on it. This starts a grand adventure of location secret vaults across the galaxy.

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All Jet Kordos Legacy Secret Vault Locations in Star Wars Outlaws

Below you will find instructions on how to find every Jet Kordo secret vault on Toshara, Kijimi, Akiva and Tatooine and the rewards for doing so. After some searching I managed to find the first secret vault on Toshara. I got stumped by the fact that a follow-up quest doesn’t happen and that all you get is a message that one or more vaults are located on this planet when you activate the holdosik on other planets. It took me hours to find how to further progress the quest. That’s why this guide exists. So you don’t have to spend the time I had to spend figuring it out.

start of jet kordo legacy quest

Toshara Jet Kordo Holomap Location

When you start the quest on Toshara and interact with the holodisk/holomap you’ll see a rock formation that looks like a turtle with four legs and a nearby small structure. The red pin is right next to this small structure. There are many places on Toshara that resemble this map. I’ve spent quite some time looking at the Fallen Mound area that irresistibly looked like the place on the secret map. In the end I found the Jet Kordo Toshara holomap location southeast of Jaunta’s Hope. It’s near where The Lost Steppe is written on the map. Map bellow shows the exact location.

Toshara Jet Kordos Legacy location map
Toshara Jet Kordo’s Legacy location map. Image ©

Once you interact with the stone shown on the map above you will use the holotracker to show you the way with beeps. You need to keep moving southeast, down a few ledges and then you’ll reach a small rock formation. Inside that rock formation is a button hidden on one of the rocks. Press it and then a ladder will drop down revealing the location of Jet Kordo’s LEgacy secret vault on Toshara. Inside you’ll find a chest with your first Soundrel set gear piece. Scoundrel belt increases Bacta Vial and Grenade carrying capacity and increases Stun Shot recharge speed.

jet kordo secret vault location toshara
Jet Kordo secret vault location on Toshara. Image ©

Full Jet Kordo’s Legacy Video Walkthrough With all Locations and Vaults

It is hard to precisely describe every part of Jet Kordo’s LEgacy questwith words. IT takes three hours of wondering across all four planets in Star Wars Outlaws to reach every secret vault. Describing this voyage is almost an impossible task. I hope I do help you with it here, but in case you’d just watch a video for more clarity you can watch my video of the whole quest below.

Jet Kordo’s Legacy Secret on Kijimi

Although the snow covered planet of Kijimi is represented as just one city in the game it took me quite a while to start the Jet Kordo Legacy secret quest here. You want to go east from the landing spot all the way to Wellspring area. The last bridge there will have two random people talking about Miyuki Trade League. This starts the Jet Kordo Legacy on Kijimi. You’ll go to Thieves District next and talk to a couple on the street. They point you in the direction of a nearby cantina and you’ll have to win a game of Sabacc. Next you can look at the Jet Cordo Kijimi holomap and it’s clear that the stone is hidden at Kijimiko square. From there go back towards the Thieves’ Quarter and at the end of it take a right to where the main quest on Kijimi takes place. Follow the beeps of the holotracker to reach the vault. You’ll get Direct Transaction Sabbac chip as your reward.

Akiva Jet Kordo First Vault Location

Jungle planet of Akiva hides two Jet Kordo secret vaults. To start the quest here you have to buy a holodisc from a vendor in the Market District in the main city of Mirra. He is located just right of the main entrance into the Hutt restricted district in the northeast part of town. The holodisk sets you back for a 100 credits, but it also reveals that the vault is located near a strange pillar like structure somewhere on Akiva. If you look at the central part of the map you should easily be able to identify it. It is north of the big red tree in the middle of Akiva map. To reach it you will have to finish part of the Akiva main story quest and get the speeder upgrade that lets you drive over water surfaces. Reach the island in the middle, between the big red tree and the big pillar, and then go across a fallen tree to the location of the pillar and the secret stone next to some ruins. I went back south over the tree trunk bridge and followed the beeps until discovering the vault.

First Akiva Jet Kordo vault location
First Akiva Jet Kordo vault location. Image &copy

Akiva Second Secret Vault Location in the Lake

Finishing the first location will sent me to steal a holodisc from a Hutt enforcer. Afterwards I really got to use those water repellants on my speeder. The stone that has the holomap clue solution is located in the middle of the big lake on Akiva. From there the beeps on the holotracker guide you north. USing the speeder you will have to reach the shore in the north and then go to the rioght of the stone formation to blast your speeder and jump across a broken bridge. This lands you in front of the second and final secret Jet Kordo’s Legacy secret vault on Akiva.

Akiva second Jet Kordo secret vault map location
Akiva second Jet Kordo secret vault map location. Image ©

Tatooine Jet Kordo’s Legacy Secret Vault location

Just like with the previous secret vaults I had to find some people in the city talking about the holodisks. Visit the Mos Eisley’s famous cantina in the east of the map. As you exit it look to your right and along some junk you’ll hear talking about a certain treasure hunter. They sent me to Wayfar, the little village you land in the first time you visit Tatooine. Walk along the main street of the village. There will be two people talking next to a water cistern about naive tourists. Talk to them and bribe them with 50 credits. They give you directions to visit the great Dune sea in the west. At the location marked on the map bellow you’ll find a broken down speeder and northwest of it a holodisc with a holomap. Using the holomap shows some strange rock formation. I was scared that I’ll spend an eternity searching for it.

Luckily I started my search at the rock formation just south of where I found the holodisk and the crashed speeder. Go to the southwest corner and you’ll then recognize the rock formation from the holomap. Stone that will tune your holotracker’s frequency to the secret vault is southwest of the rock formation. Go further southwest past some Bantha and you’ll come across the conatainer that holds Jet Kordo’s first secret vault on Tatooine.

Tatooine first Jet Kordos Secret Vault Location with map
Tatooine first Jet Kordo’s Secret Vault Location with map. Image ©

Final Jet Kordo’s Legacy Secret Vault Location on Tatooine

I got sent to Bestine next to search for people talking about another holodisk. As soon as I fast traveled to the space dock in Bestine and went right towards the stairs that take you to city proper I came across two gentlemen discussing some raiders. Turns out they’ve stolen the holodisk. Go to the pirate camp marked on the map. Dispose of the pirates or sneak into the building on the right and you’ll find the holomap to final Jet Kordo’s vault. It is next to two stone arches overlooking a road. Just go south from the pirate camp and at the first major intersection you should see two huge stone arches. Go behind the right one to find a Jawa merchant and a stone next to him. Follow the labyrinth behind and climb up some rocks to reach the final vault.

You’ll now be sent back to the first vault on Toshara to receive your last reward. It is a major charm that completes any gear set you wear even if you don’t have all the pieces. This compoletes searching for Jet Kordo’s Legacy secret vault locations and treasures.

Scoundrel Set – Best gear in Star Wars Outlaws?

The main reward for completing Jet Kordo’s Legacy is the gear you’ll find in the vaults. Among Sabbac chips and vehicle paint you’ll also get the Scoundrel set. This set has a look that reminds of Han Solo from the first movies. It also has some great bonuses. These bonuses complement multiple playstyles. It boosts your stealth and health and shooting. With such great bonuses it might be considered the best gear set in Star Wars Outlaws. Here’s a list of items in the Scoundrel Set and their bonuses:

star wars outlaws scoundrel set
  • Scoundrel Jacket – Increases pick-up weapon ammo capacity; Reduces damage taken from blasters and projectile weapons.
  • Scoundrel Belt – Increases Bacta Vial and Grenade carrying capacity; Increases Stun Shot recharge speed.
  • Scoundrel Pants – Increases crouched movement speed and move more silently; Increases accuracy when shooting from the hip or while on the run.
  • Scoundrel Set bonus – Greatly increases Super Cooling window, and the first shot after a Super Cooling deals double damage.
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Author Serge profile picture
Having games be part of his life since Commodore 64 it was only natural that Serge co-founded With every new game he travels from being the Noob to being Gosu. Whether he does coding or editorial work on the website he is still amazed by the fact that gaming is what he does for living.