SW Jedi Fallen Order How to Interact with Red Glowing Objects
Red glowing objects in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order are barriers, doors, chests, and other objects that you will very likely bump into on your journey. However, you will initially have no idea what to do with the Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order red glowing objects. This is especially true in the early game. So, in our SW Jedi Fallen Order How to Interact with Red Glowing Objects guide, we’re going to explain how to solve these problems. It’s simpler than you might think.

How to Interact with Red Glowing Objects in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order – Red Barriers?
To interact with red glowing objects in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, like the red barriers, you first have to unlock the proper skill, either for Cal, or for BD-1. Let’s use the red barriers as an example. You can’t remove them until you get the Overcharge ability for your little robot friend. You find this ability on Kashyyyk, so you have to play far enough through the main story. Once you do, you can overcharge the terminals that are supplying power to the red barriers and thereby shut them down. Then, you can simply waltz past them at your leisure.
Or, as another example, we’ve got the huge, stone door pictured above. It appears on Zeffo, at the Weathered Monument. When you first reach it, it glows red, and you can’t interact with it. You can mark it on your map for future reference, but that’s it. Cal gives you a hint, though. He says: “I can’t push it.” So, what you have to do is continue through the main story until you unlock the Force Push ability. Fortunately, you’ll find it soon enough, in the Tomb of Eilram. Then, you can go ahead and crush the door with a strong enough Force Push.
Same goes with all the other red-glowing objects, as well as certain chests, doors, etc. Now, if you need further assistance with the game, check out some of our other SW Jedi Fallen Order guides. Among others, we’ve got Bogling Companion Pet Location on Mantis, Errors & Problems – BD-1 Disappeared, and Cut Off Oggdo Tongue – Cal Got Your Tongue Trophy.