Jedi Fallen Order Force Echoes Locations Map
Force echoes are a type of collectible you can find in Jedi: Fallen Order. They’re basically notes – Cal will use the force to scan them, then comment then offer his comment. Each one you collect will unlock a corresponding databank entry, and give you some experience. Some will also upgrade your stats – namely, maximum health and force. There’s a trophy you can unlock if you collect seventy five of them, and it’s called Echo Location. Since there are so many, you’re guaranteed to miss at least a few. This guide will show you all Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order force echoes locations, so you can complete your collection.

Bogano force echo locations
Bogano is the first planet you’ll visit. It’s a grassy planet in the Outer Rim, and it consists mostly of mesas and wetlands. There are six collectibles on it, but you won’t be able to collect them all the first time you visit. After you’ve grown as a person and as a jedi, you should return and collect what remains. We’ve written a guide with detailed instructions on all Bogano force echo locations.
Zeffo force echoes
Zeffo is a windy, mountainous planet in the Outer Rim, with abandoned villages and step, narrow paths. There are fourteen collectibles on it, some of which are in plain sight and can be obtained just by following the main story quests there. Others will require you to take a deeper look at the area, and for those we’ll prepare a guide as soon as we’re done with this map.
Dathomir force echo locations
Dathomir is the next planet you’ll be able to visit, but we haven’t been there yet. What we know about the place is from other Star Wars works, and it’s not much. We know it is a planet that’s heavily influenced by the dark side. We’ll update this guide as soon as we know more.