SW Jedi Fallen Order Black Friday Trailer Spoils Ending
The new Black Friday trailer for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has come under fire for basically spoiling the game’s ending. To avoid the same fate, I’m gonna put up a SPOILER WARNING right now. Basically, the trailer reveals a character that you’re not supposed to know about until the very end of Jedi: Fallen Order.

One more time, just in case you’ve skipped the intro paragraph: we’re about to enter SERIOUS SPOILER TERRITORY. If you don’t want the ending of Jedi: Fallen order, turn back now. This is your final warning. Still here? Splendid. So, what exactly does the new trailer spoil? Well, at the very end of the video, they up and show Darth Vader. This might seem like a minor spoiler, but Darth Vader’s entrance is almost a twist ending to Jedi: Fallen Order. It completely upends everything, forcing the protagonists to flee for their lives.
If you don’t know how the game ends, and have ignored the spoiler warnings, here’s what happens. Once you defeat the final boss, Trilla, her and her former Jedi master, Cere, seem to want to make amends. It is an emotional scene, and would be a nice redemption that Star Wars has been known for since the original trilogy. Then, Darth Vader steps in and murders Trilla for her failure as an Inquisitor. Cal and Cere are no match for him, and they run away. The encounter also nudges Cal into destroying the Holocron to keep the Force-sensitive children safe from the Empire.
So, yeah, there you have it. Again, you can argue that it’s not a huge spoiler, I suppose, especially since the game has been out for over two weeks now. But, if they didn’t feature Darth Vader in any of the original promotional material, he is clearly supposed to be a big thing. The lesson is, be careful when watching trailers. You never know if they’re gonna ruin things.