There are lots of vehicles in Star Wars: Battlefront, including walkers and starships. Most of them can be used in battle, while others only appear as objectives.
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In this guide, we’re going to show you a list of all Star Wars: Battlefront vehicles, in which modes they appear and what abilities they have.
Star Wars: Battlefront Vehicles
From what we’ve seen so far, vehicles might not have upgrades. First up, there are walkers:
AT-AT: The giant walker cannot be driven, but you can serve as its gunner in Walker Assault missions, if you get the right pickup. Does massive damage, but has slow rate of fire, long cooldowns and moves on rails.
AT-ST: The smaller walker can be used in battle on Walker Assault missions. Shoots blasters and missiles, and is pretty resilient to blaster fire.
The rebels have an impressive line up in their hangars:
A-Wing: Rebels can use it in Fighter Squadron and Walker Assault. Has a shield power-up, blasters and missiles.
X-Wing: Also can be used in Fighter Squadron and Walker Assault modes, with the same abilities as the previous one.
Snowspeeder: This is a rare power-up in the Walker Assault missions. Has the ability to perform the towline takedown on an AT-AT.
Millennium Falcon: Hero Starfighter for the rebels in Fighter Squadron. Can be used for a limited time only, but is very powerful.
The Empire hasn’t show up empty handed, either:
TIE Fighter: Imperials can use it in Walker Assault and Fighter Squadron. Comes with a speed boost power-up, blasters and a heavy weapon. The cockpit view is a bit unpleasant, thanks to the shape.
TIE Interceptor: Similar abilities like the fighter, available in the same game modes.
Slave 1: Hero Starfigher for the empire in Fighter Squadron mode. Immense destructive power for a limited time.
Finally, there are some vehicles that can’t be driven, but they do appear in the game, often playing vital roles in battles:
Y-Wing: Appears as AI help for the Rebels in Walker Assault, where it bombards AT-ATs to lower their shields and damage them.
Imperial Shuttle: Appears as an objective in Fighter Squadron, where players defend/attack it.
We’ll update the list with more vehicles as soon as the game’s out.