Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta How to Get Millennium Falcon
The Millennium Falcon is one of the ships in the Star Wars Battlefront 2 multiplayer beta. It’s a hero ship, so you’ll have to unlock it. This will require a certain number of Battlepoints, and some patience. In this guide, we’ll show you how to get Millennium Falcon in Battlefront 2 beta.

How to Unlock Millennium Falcon in Battlefront 2 Multiplayer Beta?
In order to fly around in the Star Wars 2 Battlefront 2 version of the iconic Millennium Falcon, you’ll have to meet a few requirements. Of course, that’s not going to deter you. In fact, I’m pretty certain that you’ll jump at the chance to play as the beloved hunk of junk. You won’t be making the Kessel Run in any amount of parsecs, but you certainly will be kicking enemy ass with style. Now, the Millennium Falcon in Battlefront 2 multiplayer beta is a Hero Ship, which was to be expected. Therefore, you can unlock it in the Starfighter Mode, next to your basic choices of Fighter, Interceptor, and Bomber, whenever you spawn or begin a round.In the same menu, you can see other Hero Ships as well, like Slave 1, Darth Maul’s Scimitar, Poe Dameron’s X-wing, and the like. So, the first prerequisite to flying the Falcon is to have 2500 Battlepoints. You earn these by playing the Starfighter Mode and completing whatever tasks the game gives you. Obviously, you can farm points by shooting down enemy ships, but the game will give you objectives. Completing these will grant you a fair bit of bonus Battlepoints. The second prerequisite to get the Millennium Falcon is that nobody is using it at the time. If somebody else is flying it, you’ll have to wait for them to die before your turn. The Falcon is a pretty tanky ship, and can do some pretty impressive damage, so you might have to wait a while.