Star Wars Battlefront

Star Wars Battlefront Double XP Weekend July 13-16
EA is giving Star Wars Battlefront players a special weekend. From July 13th to Sunday, July 16th, you’ll be able to earn double XP in the game. The bonus will apply to all maps and game modes. Although the announcement doesn’t mention it, the Double XP weekend will likely be available for all three platforms…
LATEST Star Wars Battlefront GUIDES & NEWS

Star Wars Battlefront Death Star DLC Free This Weekend
Star Wars Battlefront Death Star DLC is going free this weekend. From December 23rd to December 25th, you’ll be able to log in to your…

Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One: Scarif released
Rogue One: Scarif is the latest DLC for Battlefront and it has been released for all players who own the Season Pass. It includes four…

Sullust Collectibles
Sullust collectibles are transparent diamond emblems you can find in Star Wars: Battlefront. They can only be obtained in solo and co-op modes – that…

Endor Collectible Locations
Endor collectibles in Star Wars: Battlefront are floating diamonds that can be found in single-player missions on the forest moon. There’s five of them in…
Star Wars Battlefront ARCHIVE
Hoth Collectible Locations
Hoth collectibles in Star Wars: Battlefront are transparent diamonds. They can be picked up in single-player game modes, and finding them all unlocks another star…
Errors & Problems in SW: Battlefront
The Star Wars: Battlefront beta has started, and problems are popping up all over. Some of them can be solved with simple tweaks, while others…
Tatooine Collectible Locations
There are collectibles to be found on Tatooine in Star Wars: Battlefront. They are available only during solo missions – Battle, Survival and Hero Battle….
Battlefront Vehicles List
There are lots of vehicles in Star Wars: Battlefront, including walkers and starships. Most of them can be used in battle, while others only appear…
Fighter Squadron Mode Guide
Fighter Squadron is a dogfighting mode in Star Wars: Battlefront. It lets up to 20 players fly TIE Fighters and Interceptors, X-Wings and A-Wings in…
Battlefront Beta Launch Times
The Star Wars: Battlefront beta will be starting tomorrow (Oct 8th) and ending on Monday (Oct 12th). Everyone is welcome to try it out on…
Battlefront PC System Requirements
The Star Wars Battlefront open beta is scheduled for October 8th. In the list below you can find confirmed minimum and recommended system requirements for the PC version of Star Wars Battlefront
Walker Assault Mode Guide
Walker Assault is a large-scale battle mode in Star Wars: Battlefront. It pits two groups of 20 against each other – one trying to protect…
Drop Zone Mode Guide
Drop Zone is a game mode in Star Wars: Battlefront. It sees two teams of 8 fighting over drop pods in the field of battle….
Survival Mode Guide
Survival is one of the game modes in Star Wars: Battlefront. It can be played solo or with another player. In it, the player(s) defend…
Star Wars: Battlefront Beta Details
DICE and EA have released new information about the upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront beta. It will start on October 8th, and anyone is welcome to…
Introducing Luke Skywalker in SW:B
EA have published a new blog post in which they detail Luke Skywalker, one of the playable Heroes in the upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront, how…
Introducing Darth Vader in SW:B
Over on their official Star Wars: Battlefront blog, EA have published a few choice details about Darth Vader and how it will be like stepping…
Star Wars: Battlefront Playstation 4 Bundle
Sony and EA have announced two different bundles containing Star Wars: Battlefront and the Playstation 4 console. Both are available for preorder now, and both…
Drop Zone Game Mode Detailed
A new game mode for Star Wars: Battlefront has been revealed today. It’s called Drop Zone, and it’s a riff on the age-old theme of…
SW: Battlefront Beta Announced
EA have finally caved in and announced that Star Wars: Battlefront will have an open beta test. The test is supposed to happen in early…
Boba Fett Details Revealed in SW:B
In a new post on the official Star Wars: Battlefront blog, EA have revealed new details about Boba Fett, a playable Villain. They talk about…
Supremacy Mode For SW: Battlefront Detailed
In an new blog update, the developers behind Star Wars: Battlefront talk about a new game mode called Supremacy. It’s all about the control points…
SW: Battlefront Aerial Combat Trailer
EA have showcased Star Wars: Battlefront at Gamescom 2015, giving us a glimpse of the aerial combat mode. Fighter Squadron, as the mode is called,…
Sony E3 2015 Press Conference
Sony’s press conference took place in the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena. After attending the Bethesda and Ubisoft conferences, which were held in theaters, the…