Star Citizen’s First System Is Complete, Only 99 More to Go!
Star Citizen received its final update in 2019. The most important part of the update is the fact that the game’s first system is complete. Stanton (the name of the system), received its final planet called MicroTech. The planet is a small, frozen world that looks really cool. The frozen wasteland is a result of a terraforming accident, sending the planet into a never-ending snowstorm. Do note that the actual settlement on the planet isn’t finished yet. But you can land on the planet and explore it as long as you like. On the one side, Cloud Imperium finally completed a whole solar system. On the other, they needed eight years for the feat. And let’s not forget that the final version of Star Citizen should have 100 star systems.

Star Citizen New Frontiers Update Details
But the Star Citizen New Frontiers update isn’t just about the new planet. Planet Tech v4 is a new technology that brings lots of improvements to landscapes on planets in the Stanton System. Landscapes are much more detailed than before and dynamic weather can completely change the scenery. Next, the inclusion of SOCS (Server Object Container Streaming) should allow the developers to add new planets and systems much easier than before. We just hope they will use this to create the second start system in less than eight years.

Star Citizen now has melee combat. You can brawl to your heart’s content. The combat features takedowns and stealthy knife assassinations. Argo MOLE is a new extraction rig perfect for massive mining jobs. The game also received two new weapons – Behring’s P6-LR ballistic sniper rifle and the Animus missile launcher. You can use the two new weapons in new missions including “liberating an Origin 890 Jump seized by dastardly outlaws.”
The new patch introduced a bunch of fixes and a plethora of smaller features. You can read all about them here. It’s good to see Chris Roberts and the gang constantly releasing new updates for Star Citizen. We really hope that the game will get a full version (or at least playable version of Squadron 42, or at least a beta version) sooner rather than later.