Squadron 42 Opening Cinematic Released | Star Citizen
Robertson Space Industries has released the opening cinematic from Squadron 42, the single player portion of Star Citizen. The video shows Admiral Bishop giving a speech in front of the UEE senate.

The trailer features Gary Oldman as Admiral Bishop (both in voice and physical likeness) giving a call-to-arms speech. After the speech is over, the credits roll, showing off other famous names in the cast, like Mark Hamill, Andy Serkis and Gillian Anderson. In also announces 2016 as the year of release, which some might call overly optimistic.

The trailer features Gary Oldman as Admiral Bishop (both in voice and physical likeness) giving a call-to-arms speech. After the speech is over, the credits roll, showing off other famous names in the cast, like Mark Hamill, Andy Serkis and Gillian Anderson. In also announces 2016 as the year of release, which some might call overly optimistic.