CitizenCon 2015 Demo Footage | Star Citizen
Robertson Space Industries have released footage from the CitizenCon 2015 demo of Star Citizen. The new video shows 20 minutes of pre-recorded material from the game, including exploration, space fights and infantry battles.

It starts with a bit of walking around a space station.
After boarding a ship, the player takes off into space. Exploration leads to fighting with other pilots, finding an abandoned satellite and finally, boarding a space station a having a fire fight with its crew.
Star Citizen’s single player campaign, called Squadron 42, is expected to launch sometime during 2016.

It starts with a bit of walking around a space station.
Star Citizen’s single player campaign, called Squadron 42, is expected to launch sometime during 2016.
hello i like this citizen game and i would like to join you guys looks like a lot of fun .