Star Citizen

Squadron 42 Gets a New Trailer, Still no Words About Release Date
Squadron 42 is the single-player component of Star Citizen. It should feature an epic story set across the universe and the latest trailer displays some of the environments the story takes place in. There are no details about the actual story or characters. Only a selection of scenes that, well, look pretty amazing. This doesn’t…

Star Citizen’s First System Is Complete, Only 99 More to Go!
Star Citizen received its final update in 2019. The most important part of the update is the fact that the game’s first system is complete….

Star Citizen Squadron 42 Beta Announced for 2020
Cloud Imperium Games, the company behind the long-awaited space sim Star Citizen, have made a big announcement. Squadron 42, the single player offshoot of Star…

Star Citizen Legatus Pack Costs 27000 Dollars, Unlocks Almost All Ships
Star Citizen is now offering the Legatus Pack, which contains 117 ships and a very long list of extra items. Seems like a pretty enticing…

Squadron 42 System Requirements Are Vague, Yet Demanding
The system requirements for Squadron 42, the singleplayer Star Citizen spin-off, have been revealed. The official website has been updated to show a list of…
Star Citizen ARCHIVE
Star Citizen Alpha 3.0 Launch Delayed Again Due to Stability Issues
The launch of Star Citizen Alpha 3.0 has been delayed again. The reason the developers are citing for the delay is that they’ve encountered stability…
Star Citizen Breaks $141 Million in Backer Pledges
The New Year has brought a new, important landmark for one of the most unique games out there, as Star Citizen broke $141 million in…
Star Citizen Star Marine Trailer Released
The Star Marine Trailer for Star Citizen reveals a glimpse of the newest patch. Star Citizen will have a newly-added feature in the 2.6.0 winter…
Star Citizen Alpha 2.6.0 Patch Notes
Patch 2.6.0. for Star Citizen Alpha brings a lot of new changes. Most of the new features are filed under Star Systems, Game Systems, Ships,…
SC Alpha 2.1 Goes Live
Roberson Space Industries have announced that a new update for Star Citizen has gone live. The Alpha 2.1 adds a new weapon, some new (as…
SC Alpha 2.0 Released
Robertson Space Industries have just released a hefty update for Star Citizen. Version Alpha 2.0 is live as we speak, and it brought major changes…
CitizenCon 2015 Demo Footage
Robertson Space Industries have released footage from the CitizenCon 2015 demo of Star Citizen. The new video shows 20 minutes of pre-recorded material from the…
Squadron 42 Opening Cinematic Released
Robertson Space Industries has released the opening cinematic from Squadron 42, the single player portion of Star Citizen. The video shows Admiral Bishop giving a…