Headshot locations are a vital part of the South Park Fractured But Whole Headshots Job side mission. The quest requires you to post headshots of Mr. Adams in several places across the town. Some can be easy to find, while others can be a little more complicated. So, to help you out, we’ve made our guide on where to find headshot locations in South Park Fractured But Whole.
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South Park Fractured But Whole Headshot Locations – Where to Find AllNOTE: This guide is a work in progress. We’ll keep updating it as we find more info.
How to Start Mr. Adams Headshot Job Fractured But Whole Mission?
In order to start the Headshot Job mission, the first thing you need to do is to find a crumpled photo of Mr. Adams in the trash. One of these trash cans can be found in an alley between the Post Office and D Mobile. Go into the alley and the game will give you a prompt to inspect the garbage mound. You’ll find the headshot, and your next stop is the Police Station, so go over there.
Funnily enough, you can also find another crumpled headshot of Mr. Adams in a trash can in the police station, the one to the left of the wanted posters. You can start the mission this way, too. Talk to the policeman until he buzzes you inside. Then, head through the office space and go through the furthest door on the left. From there, go inside the green door marked Soft Room. Talk to Mr. Adams to start the Headshots Job side mission.
Where to Take Mr. Adams Headshots in Fractured But Whole?
One of the locations that you should visit during this quest is City Hall. Simply walk over to the Community Board in front of City Hall and replace the torn headshot with a new one.
Another location for posting a headshot is South Park Community Center, above the podium. The cork board is out of your reach, so push the stepladder over, climb up, and post the headshot.
The third location of interest in the Headshot Job quest is the Tweek Bros. Coffee shop. The message board you need is right under the cash register as you walk inside.
One of the destinations during the Headshot Job mission is the Police Station itself. In the first room, there are several wanted posters beneath the reception booth. That’s where you should put one of the headshots.
The headshot location in South Park Elementary is one of the harder ones to reach. You need to get the Fartkour Buddy skill with Kite Man before you can get there. When you do, go inside the school, find the pinwheel, and summon Kite Man. Use the power to reach the upper floor and post the headshot on the bulletin board.
Another headshot location that will require you to call a friend is in the north part of Stark’s Pond. The Buddy skill you need is Sandblaster, which you get with Toolshed. Call Toolshed and get rid of the lava that’s in front of the bulletin board, then post the headshot.
Head over to Jimbo’s Guns. The moment you come in, you’ll spot a huge moose head mounted on the wall. The bulletin board is right underneath, so go ahead and post the headshot.
The final Headshot Job location is in the entrance to the Peppermint Hippo. This becomes available later in the game, as the bouncer won’t let you in in the earlier bits of the game. Drag the stepladder over to the Hippo Wall of Fame, climb up, and post the last headshot.
After you’ve posted every headshot, go back to Mr. Adams and talk to him to finish the Headshot Job mission. Your reward is two artifacts: Fantastic Visage and Idol of Inappropriate Touching.