Sons of the Forest Sleeping Bug Fix
As Sons of the Forest is a survival game, you are going to need to do things such as eating and sleeping to be able to survive. However, some players have found out that they are having trouble with sleeping in the game. More specifically, even though they are sleeping correctly, it doesn’t appear that this is doing anything to refill their energy levels. Since this is one of the cornerstones of the game and sleeping is fundamental to your success in it, it’s no wonder that players are wondering if there is anything they can do to get rid of this bug and somehow resolve it. So here are several things you can try out to fix the Sons of the Forest Sleeping Bug.

How to Fix Sleeping Bug in Sons of the Forest
Once you have figured out how to sleep in Sons of the Forest, you are going to rely on this mechanic a lot to replenish your energy. But what to do if it is not working as intended? Well, there are several methods that players have reported have managed to work for them. So, even though this bug is present on both normal difficulty and hard mode, the first thing you can try is to change your difficulty and see if that has helped.
If that hasn’t done the trick, the next thing you should do is to try sleeping multiple times in a row. Several players say that doing this has gotten the sleep feature working correctly. And if none of these have helped, the only thing left is to wait until the next update to the game. Hopefully, this upcoming update is going to fix bugs such as these. If you have figured out any way to fix the Sleeping Bug in Sons of the Forest, please share how you managed to do this in the comments below.