How to Get Rope Sons of the Forest
Knowing how to get rope in Sons of the Forest is important. It is an ingredient in an untold number of crafting recipes, so you’ll need as much as you can get. Maybe not in the very beginning, but pretty dang soon. So, let’s find out where you can get some rope, shall we?

Where to Find Rope in Sons of the Forest
You can find and get rope in Sons of the Forest in several of the boxes and containers that are scattered all over the place. I mean, so far, we’ve only found one. We will show you exactly where we found it in the screenshots below. Use the GPS to see the location of the box. I can’t guarantee that you’ll find it in the same place, but it’s worth a shot. Also, do keep in mind that the rope is not the same as the zipline rope, which you can also run into. They are simply not used in the same recipes; some might even require one of each. The zipline rope’s icon is shaped like an eight, while the regular rope is a regular coil.

So, that’s where you can find and get some rope in Sons of the Forest. We’ll be sure to add more information as we work are way through the game. In the first game, The Forest, you could craft more rope by combining a several pieces of cloth. We haven’t been able to figure out whether the sequel also has a similar crafting option. The game is fresh out of the oven, so we still have a lot to discover ourselves. Again, we will give you more info when we have it. In the meantime, feel free to educate us in the comments. Just keep things civil.
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