Sons of the Forest Aloe Vera Locations
In Sons of the Forest, you are going to spend a large part of the overall gameplay collecting various materials and ingredients all over the island. A particularly important early ingredient that you will want to find as much of as you can is Aloe Vera. This is because you can use this plant to make a health mix and heal your character. We don’t need to point out just how important this is, especially in the early game, where you will be starved for tools and resources. So to help you survive in the unforgiving world of the island, here are the locations where you can get Aloe Vera in Sons of the Forest.

Where to Find Aloe Vera in Sons of the Forest
While Aloe Vera is by no means a common plant, you will be able to find it across the island. Specifically, near in-land water sources such as rivers. We have marked several locations where you will be able to find these in the screenshot gallery below. Once you have found a particularly good spot where there are many of these plants, we recommend that you put a GPS Locator there. Doing this will allow you to come back there from time to time and get more of these once they’ve regrown.
Also, note that you will sometimes get some Aloe Vera from Virginia. She is the three-legged mutant girl that is a possible companion. If you are unsure how to get her, we have an entire separate guide that explains what you need to do in order to befriend Virginia. If she does bring you some Aloe Vera, don’t look directly at her, or have your weapon out. Otherwise, she might get too nervous and you can end up losing her as a companion option.