Skyrim on Nintendo Switch Not Likely to Get Creation Club Support
The Nintendo Switch version of Skyrim won’t be getting any kind of mod support any time soon, if at all, according to an interview with Todd Howard. This includes the Creation Club kka Bethesda’s version of paid mods.

Modding has been a pretty major part of some Bethesda games, especially with the likes of Fallout 4 and Skyrim. So, Bethesda kinda went for the jugular there with the Creation Club, which basically allows them to profit off of mods. Needless to say, people weren’t (and still aren’t) too happy about it. But, at the end of the day, the Creation Club is just something we have to deal with. So, those that picked up Skyrim on the Nintendo Switch were expecting equal or similar support for their version of the game.
Unfortunately, based on the talk Todd Howard of Bethesda had with Eurogamer, that might not happen. He acknowledged that the support hasn’t really been up to snuff: “Skyrim Switch has a big community that we haven’t supported the way we’d like.” When asked about what they’re doing about the situation, he said: “Right now we’re doing nothing. People, they’re on other things.” The interviewer then asked Howard directly whether or not they plan to bring mod support for Skyrim on the Switch. The answer was kinda inconclusive, but far from hopeful. Howard said: “We are not actively doing that. We would love to see it happen but it’s not something we’re actively doing.”
So, there you have it, Switch owners. It doesn’t seem like mod support for your version of Skyrim is far away, if indeed you get it at all. At least you can scan amiibo and play as an overly-buff Link, I guess. It’s at least some kind of consolation prize.