Skull and Bones Copper Ore & Bronze Ingot Locations

In our Skull and Bones Copper Ore & Bronze Ingot Locations guide, we are first going to show you a couple of locations where you can mine Copper Ore and how to go about it. After that, we’ll explain how you can turn those into Bronze Ingots (and where you can get them already made). Bronze Ingots are necessary for crafting ships, tools and other key items in the game, so you’ll need to know how to go about all this.

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skull and bones copper ore & bronze ingot locations
Skull and Bones Copper Ore & Bronze Ingot Locations

Where to Find Copper Ore in Skull and Bones

There are several places you can find Copper Ore in Skull and Bones, which you can then turn into Bronze Ingots. Two of them can be found relatively close to Sainte-Anne, near the Clan of Fara’s minor settlement called Ankohonana. That’s to the west of Sainte-Anne, nestled in the river delta of the large island. We’ve marked them for you on the map below. Remember, you can spot deposits of ore from a distance with your spyglass, as shown in the second screenshot. Sail close to the deposit and play the mining minigame to collect Copper Ore. The same process happens whenever you mine, really.

How to Get Skull and Bones Bronze Ingots

There are a few ways you can get Bronze Ingots in Skull and Bones, and one of them is to refine the Copper Ore you’ve mined. You can do this at the Foundry in Sainte-Anne. Talk to Vera van Wessel, who you will find close to the Shipwright NPC. You’ll need three Copper Ore for each Bronze Ingot you craft. Option #2 is to go to Sadjoa Foundry, which is a settlement in the Clans of Fara territory. They sell ready-made Bronze Ingots for 100 Silver each. Pricey, but it does save on time. Besides, it’s your only go-to if other players have already depleted nearby ore deposits.

If you’re short on doubloons, you can always go a-plundering and pillaging to improve your monetary situation. Heck, sometimes merchant ships will have Bronze Ingots on board, so be sure to use your spyglass and check out what they’re hauling. It rarely happens that they have Ingots, but it’s worth a try.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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