How to Unlock TR 2013 & Rise Outfits - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider 2013 and Rise of the Tomb Raider outfits are available in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Both old outfits are a kind of loyalty bonus, because you can only get them if you’ve played TR 2013 and Rise of the Tomb Raider on the platform you’re playing the new one. More specifically, you have to have saves from the old game. There are a few more steps to it, though. To help you out, our Shadow of the Tomb Raider TR 2013 & Rise of the Tomb Raider Outfits guide will explain exactly how to unlock them.

Tomb Raider 2013 & Rise of the Tomb Raider Skins in Shadow of the Tomb Raider – Where to Find?
To unlock the old Tomb Raider outfits, from TR 2013 and Rise of the Tomb Raider, in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, you first have to have saves from those two games on the platform you’re playing on. For example, if you’re playing Shadow on the PS4, you have to have saves from Tomb Raider 2013 and Rise of the Tomb Raider in order to unlock these outfits. Of course, you don’t need to have both, you can have one or the other. Just keep in mind that you can’t get the Rise of the Tomb Raider outfit with just the TR 2013 save, and vice-versa. You don’t need to have any special edition of Shadow to unlock these outfits.
Even if you have one or both of these saves, you can’t access these outfits right off the bat. You just have to progress further into the game. At one point, crafting outfits will become available. At that point, you’ll get access to the Rise of the Tomb Raider and Tomb Raider 2013 outfits. So, just be patient and keep playing. You’ll get those outfits in due time. Don’t worry, they’re there, you just can access them from the get-go.
Can’t Change Outfits in Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Some players have been reporting not being able to change outfits in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Specifically, after they enter the Paititi area. This is not a bug, nor have you done anything wrong. It’s just the way the game’s meant to be. Simply put, once you’re in Paititi, you can’t change your outfits. Don’t worry, though, because that doesn’t mean that all of your preorder gear and other outfits are gone forever. This only applies to Paititi. You can access your entire wardrobe from anywhere else aside from there.
If you need help with anything else in the game, please feel free to peruse our other Shadow of the Tomb Raider guides, like How to Unlock Golden Weapon Skins and How to Craft Fear & Poison Lure Arrows.
Just for those who came here looking for answers, here’s what I did: I had Shadow of the Tomb Raider first and when I learned of this costume thing, I was already 50% into the game. So I went and bought Rise of the Tomb Raider and started playing. When I made the first save, nothing had changed, so I decided to just barrell through the game on the easiest difficulty, ignoring everything besides the main story, even the DLC chapters. After I finished the story I booted up Shadow and immediately received the costumes. By the way, I didn’t own the first TR game and yet it still gave me the survivor costume, so if you only own Shadow, you don’t need to get anything else besides Rise. I did this on X-Box Series X.
On small side note, I did connect both games to my Square Enix account in the games’ options, so if the above doesn’t work out for you, try to do this, it should help.
Oh and for those who don’t know, if you connect your Square Enix profile to Youtube, Facebook and other social media, you’ll receive golden weapons for the game.
I agree with Frankie. I purchased the Shadows season pass expecting to have access to all the outfits eventually and knowing I don’t have 2013 and Rise is very lame indeed. The outfits you are given in Shadows are pretty disappointing and stupid looking anyway. 2013 and Rise are the best looking outfits by far.
I am an first time player to this franchise I started off with shadow of the tomb raider only bonus
outfits that came with the base game was the original trilogy skins and I didn’t play those so I have
to play the other games to carry the outfits over that’s pretty lame.
I cant get my outfits to unlock at all. I have a save file from Rise but when i check my outfit inventory for Shadow, i dont have any extra content. And im like 8 hours into the game. Ive seen Youtubers who are 3 hours in with all the extra outfits but mine wont work. Am i doing something wrong?
You have to have both previous TR GAMES.
Im on the same page as Michelle
thank you for noting about not being able to change outfits in paititi i thought there was a serious bug/gaming error
Well full body outfits are total joke anyway. If you add even 1 lower body like shoes all resets you can use only 1 outfit if you want to use benefits gear…. maybe its bug or just plain stupidity