Archivist Map Locations - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Archivist Maps are a collectible in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Finding archivist maps reveals hidden items and other secrets on the map, as well as granting you XP for Lara. Shadow of the Tomb Raider archivist maps, like explorer backpacks, are fairly difficult to find, and are usually tucked away in weird locations. However, locating the collectibles is very, very valuable/ With that in mind, here’s our guide on Shadow of the Tomb Raider archivist map locations, and where to find them.

Peruvian Jungle Archivist Map Locations – Where to Find?
The first archivist map you can find in Peruvian Jungle is not far away from the Plane Wreckage base camp, aka the first one you get. It’s to the northwest of the camp, inside a crypt. As you make your way through the ruins, you’ll come across a blue painting. As you round the corner to the right, there will be a small opening on the right you can squeeze through. That’s where the Archivist Map is.
The second archivist map in the Peruvian Jungle is in the middle of the map and off to the east. It’s to the east and a little to the north of the Jaguar Den area. The place you’re looking for looks like an abandoned camp of sorts. There’s one shack there, really looks like there’s nothing interesting there. However, as it turns out, the archivist map is right inside.
Kuwaq Yaku Where to Find Archivist Maps?
The first Kuwaq Yaku archivist map that we’ve come across was during the Path of the Living main mission. Specifically, during the Explore the Trinity Excavation step of the quest. As you venture down into the excavation, you’ll round a corner to the right, and come face-to-face with a huge drill. There’s also a whole bunch of different equipment for you to pick up. The archivist map itself is across from the drill, on some pipes, next to a large crate.
The second Kuwaq Yaku archivist map is actually closer to the beginning of the zone. It’s inside the crypt that’s just west of the Kuwaq Yaku Base Camp. As you explore that area, you’ll come across a blocked path that you can clear up with a well-placed Molotov cocktail. Go inside the chamber, and look to the left immediately to spot the archivist map.
Hidden City Archivist Maps Locations
The first archivist map we’ve come across so far is within a crypt, which, in itself, is above the entrance to the challenge tomb called Path of Battle. The entrance to the crypt is marked for you on the map, southeast of the Ossuary Base Camp. You’ll come across a small waterfall, and you’ll have to climb up to the top of the cliff wall to find the entrance into the crypt. Once inside, you’ll come across a walled-off doorway, which you can crack open. Sneak inside, find the sarcophagus, and go beyond. Drop to the floor below, and look for a doorway leading into a small room with a pedestal. The archivist map is on said pedestal.