Sekiro Multiplayer Mod Adds Co-Op, PvP, Invasions
One of the typical Soulsborne features that Sekiro is missing is the multiplayer aspect. It makes sense, seeing as how the developers wanted to tell a specific story of just one character, but still. Luckily for all of you that want to play Sekiro with friends, either in co-op or PvP, now you can with a new mod.

While Sekiro’s take on the Soulsborne formula is pretty engaging, there’s one thing it’s definitely missing, and that’s the multiplayer. After all, that was one of the main draws to Dark Souls and all the subsequent games. Well, leave it to the modding community to swoop in and fix things. I present to you the multiplayer mod for Sekiro from the hands of LukeYui. Here are some of the features it offers, as listed on the NexusMods page.
- Support for up to 6 players (1 host + 5 phantoms)
- PvP – Make use of your prosthetic tools and combat arts to defeat your opponents, grapple through the world and snipe each other out of the air.
- Co-op – Play through the game with friends, approach enemies and bosses with a different style and finally beat the game as the summoner class.
- Invasions – Enter an unsuspecting person’s world as a spirit of vengeance, and fight to the death.
- Simplified matchmaking – Invaders and phantoms will always be adjusted to the player’s local level, to try and increase the available player pool. For example if you have 40 attack power, and your opponent has 1 attack power, they will hit you as if they have 40 and you’ll hit them as if you have 1.
- You can’t pause the game.
So, how does this work, exactly? Well, when you start a game with the mod installed, you’ll spawn four items: Cursed Emblem, Vengeful Spirit, Coward’s Bell, and Spirit Essence. Each of them does something related to the multiplayer. Specifically, create and host a session until you quit or die, invade a session, leave, and change your phantom color, respectively.
And, well, there you have it. If you want to play Sekiro in co-op, you can download the mod via NexusMods. You can also read up on further details there, and get installation instructions. Of course, as always with mods, exercise caution. If you want to see the mod in action, check out the video below.