Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

Sekiro Multiplayer Mod Adds Co-Op, PvP, Invasions
One of the typical Soulsborne features that Sekiro is missing is the multiplayer aspect. It makes sense, seeing as how the developers wanted to tell a specific story of just one character, but still. Luckily for all of you that want to play Sekiro with friends, either in co-op or PvP, now you can with…
LATEST Sekiro Shadows Die Twice GUIDES & NEWS

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Earns Steam GOTY Honors
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice had an extremely successful year. The game sold a bunch of copies; it was named Game of the Year at the…

Sekiro Ships Over 3.8 Million Units by End of June
According to a new financial report released by From Software’s parent company, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice has shipped over 3.8 million copies as of the…

Sekiro Mods Let You Fight Shrek & Thomas the Tank Engine
The modding community is hard at work bringing the usual meme fodder into Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. If you want to test your samurai steel…

Sekiro Sells Over Two Million Copies in First Ten Days
According to Activision, FromSoftware’s new brain child, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, has sold over two million copies worldwide in the first ten days of its…
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice ARCHIVE
Water of The Palace Location & Where to Use
Water of the Palace is a key item in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. You can find it in a hidden area in Fountainhead Palace, and…
Sekiro Prayer Bead Locations
Prayer Beads in Sekiro Shadows Die Twice are a very important and hard-to-get collectible in the game, which can be used to increase your Vitality…
Gourd Seed Locations – How to Upgrade Healing Gourd
Gourd seeds are a collectible item in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. These rare items are used to upgrade the capacity of your healing gourd, letting…
Sake Locations – Ashina, Unrefined, Dragonspring, Monkey Booze
Sake is a key item in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. There are four kinds of it – Ashina, Unrefined, Dragonspring and Monkey Booze. You can…
Doujun NPC – Surgeon’s Bloody Letter Item – Where to Find Tough Man
Doujun is an NPC in Sekiro in the Abandoned Dungeon, and he’ll ask you to find one tough man and hand you the Surgeon’s Bloody…
Nightjar Beacon Memo
Nightjar Beacon Memo is an item in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It’s a note you’ll get as a reward for helping a certain NPC, and…
Fountainhead Incense Location – How to Make
Fountainhead Incense in Sekiro is the end result of a long questline, and some people have been having trouble figuring out how to make Fountainhead…
Flower for Lord Kuro Incense Location
Fragrant Flower is a key item in Sekiro that you’ll need to give Lord Kuro to make the Fountainhead Incense. Finding the Sekiro Lord Kuro…
Stone For Lord Kuro Incense Location
The Stone for Lord Kuro Incense in Sekiro is a plot-critical item you’ll have to find in the game. The Shelter Stone in Sekiro, as…
Merchant Locations – Thief, Information, Pot, Mob, Badger
Merchants are NPCs who sell items in Sekiro:Shadows Die Twice. There’s a handful of them around the world, and most of them sell pretty important…
Demon of Hatred Location – How to Spawn Optional Boss
Demon of Hatred in Sekiro is an optional boss that you can fight if you make the right choices. The Sekiro Demon of Hatred boss…
Lapis Lazuli All Locations – How to Get Prosthetic Tool Upgrade Material
Lapis Lazuli in Sekiro is a material used to upgrade some of your Prosthetic Tools. It can only be obtained much later in the game…
Treasure Carp All Scale Locations – Pink Carp | Mask Fragment
Treasure carp scale is a special item in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It can be obtained by hunting down a rare, red carp. It may…
Truly Precious Bait – Pot Noble Quest
Truly precious bait is a key item in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It’s a special kind of bait that contains hair, and there are two…
Pot Noble Merchants – Fountainhead Palace & Hirata Estate
Pot noble merchants are a couple of vendors in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Both of them are from the same clan, and both live in…
Fulminated Mercury – How to Get Explosive Tool Advanced Upgrade
Fulminated Mercury in Sekiro is a material you need to get advanced upgrades for your Explosive Prosthetic Tool. Since you really want to upgrade your…
Malcontent’s Ring – How to Get Finger Whistle Tool Upgrade
Malcontent’s Ring in Sekiro is an item you can find, and it’s used to upgrade the Finger Whistle prosthetic tool. People have been banging their…
Mask Fragment Locations – Dancing Dragon Mask
Mask fragments are key items in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. There are three of them, and when you’ve collected them all, you can put them…
How to Unlock Dive to Get Carp Scales & Secret Areas
Unlocking the Dive skill in Sekiro allows you to dive as much as you want, and it’s essential to getting carp scales and previously inaccessible…
Sekiro Kotaro NPC Full Guide – Taro Persimmon, White Flower, Spirit Away
Kotaro is an NPC you will come across as soon as you enter the Senpou Temple region in Sekiro. Big lug is to the right…