How to Name and Rename Ship Sea of Thieves
If you can’t figure out how to name and rename your ship in Sea of Thieves, we’ve got you covered. We’re going to explain how that whole process works, pretty much step by step. We’re also going to explain what to do if none of your ship names work and you keep getting the Unsuitable Ship Name message. Here we go!

How to Name and Rename Your Ship in Sea of Thieves
To name and rename your ship in Sea of Thieves, you have to go through a few simple steps. In order to give your ship a name, you first have to become a captain. How do you do that? By buying any ship from the My Ships menu. Once you do, the game will prompt you to name your vessel through the purchasing process. You can only use twenty characters, no numbers, and no ending with a space. Also, you can’t use some special characters. If you need name ideas, check out our Pirate Ship Names guide.
If you want to rename your ship, you’ll have to purchase a Ship Renaming Deed. It’s under the Captaincy section of the Pirate Emporium. As you can see in the image below (via Reddit user Jusaaah), it costs 499 Ancient Coins, or $5.50. Make of that what you will. I think that’s an absurd price, but you make your own decisions.

None of the Ship Names Work, Unsuitable Ship Names in Sea of Thieves
Now that we know how to name and rename your ship in Sea of Thieves, it’s time to address a potential problem. Namely, what to do when none of your ship names work and you keep getting the Unsuitable Ship Name message in Sea of Thieves. Obviously, you could encounter this if you try to use swear words in your name, for example, or if you don’t meet the requirements we’ve mentioned above. However, even if your ship name is perfectly acceptable, but the game still rejects it. This is most likely due to the servers being overloaded at the moment. It’s going to sort itself out eventually. Perhaps restarting the game will help in the meantime.