Dice Sea of Thieves How to Get and Roll Dice Emotes
Season Five of Sea of Thieves has arrived, and brought many new additions to the game. Things such as rats on your ship, new equipment and missions are have made their way to the game, as has the brand-new dice system. If you have ever played pen and paper Dungeons & Dragons, you are already familiar with the types of Die that Sea of Thieves is using. Our Dice Sea of Thieves How to Get and Roll Dice Emotes guide is here to help you acquire these dice and explain how to use them in the game.

How to Get Dice Sea of Thieves
There is only one way to get Dice in Sea of Thieves. Luckily, it isn’t too hard to get them. In fact, all you really need to do is to reach Renown Level 5. So simply play the game and engage in the usual SoT activities such as completing quests, Tall Tales, doing events, fighting enemies, and so on, and you should reach this level soon. Once you have reached this RL, seeok out the Dice Emotes in the Vanity Chest on your ship. There are six types of Dice Emotes in the game: D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, and D20. These are the most common role-playing dice types in the world.

How to Roll Dice Sea of Thieves
Using the Dice to then roll them in Sea of Thieves is also pretty simple. Equip them as you would any other Emote type, from your Emote radial menu. Then, select the type of Dice you want to roll. Of course, you should be aware of the odds, so that you can select the best one. The D4, for example, has just four numbers – and thus, outcomes – you can get, while the D20 has 20 of them. This system is intended for role-playing purposes, so if you want to, say, see which Pirate will get the treasure, you can agree to let luck decide.