Sea of Thieves Kiwibeard Error, Down for Maintenance
Starting at 10 AM BST, people have been encountering the Kiwibeard error in Sea of Thieves. This is because the servers are down for maintenance, because the developers are implementing a new update. This is not the only possible cause for the Sea of Thieves Kiwi Beard error, but it is the most likely cause for the next few hours. In our Sea of Thieves Down for Maintenance – Kiwibeard Error guide, we’ll explain what’s happening, as well as other potential causes of the error.

Sea of Thieves Down for Maintenance
At the time of writing, Sea of Thieves is down for maintenance, because the developers are busy inputting a new update. Therefore, you might be running into the Kiwi Beard error if you’re trying to play Sea of Thieves at the moment. The process started at 10 AM BST, as we’ve said, and will last for over an hour. In fact, odds are that it’ll go on for three hours or more; we don’t know for sure. What we do know is that, according to the Sea of Thieves Twitter, you’ll have to download an update before you can continue playing. So, if you run into the Kiwibeard error in the next hour or more, it’s because the servers are down. This isn’t the only potential cause for this error, so let’s go into a little more detail.
Sea of Thieves Down for Kiwibeard
If Sea of Thieves is down for the Kiwibeard error, the most probable cause is that the servers are down, usually for maintenance, as we’ve explained above. However, as we’ve written in our previous Sea of Thieves error guide, Kiwi Beard can have one more potential cause. It can happen if you have more than one gamertag signed into your console. So, if Sea of Thieves is not down for maintenance, and you still get Kiwibeard, that might be what’s going on. Make sure to sign out of all gamertags but the one you’re planning to use, then try launching the game again. This should fix it.