Soviet Installation is the first large hub in Rise of The Tomb Raider. It is the 4th area you discover, and you’ll return to it several times.
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While exploring it, you’ll find 3 monoliths, 6 archivist maps and 6 explorer’s satchels. These will greatly help with finding the other collectibles in the area, since they’ll mark them on your map. Some coin caches can’t even be found before you’ve visited the corresponding monolith. This guide will show you where to find archivist maps, explorer’s satchels and monoliths in Soviet Installation.
Click to enlarge mapAll the locations are marked on our map – monoliths are painted red, archivist maps are orange and explorer satchels are blue. Keep in mind, you may not be able to snatch them all on your first visit – some areas will be unavailable until you get the proper tools or progress through the story.
Monoliths in Soviet Installation
There are only three monoliths in this area – they’re marked with red numbers on the map above. Visiting them will show you the locations of hidden coin caches. You won’t need any special tools to access them, but you will need access to most of the map.
1. On the southern side of the copper mill.
2. On the north-western cliffs.
3. On the terrace overlooking the valley, near the burnt down house in the north.
Archivist Maps in Soviet Installation
There’s six maps to find – they’ll mark murals and documents on your map. Some of them are hidden in optional tombs, so you’ll need to explore the whole map if you want them all.
4. Next to the cliffs west of the lumber mill, past the watchtower.
5. Once you enter the Voice of God tomb, turn left and look on the table.
6. On a crate in the Red Mine tomb, before the tunnels start descending.
7. In a cave east of the lumber mill. When you enter, just keep going forward.
8. In the Ancient Cistern tomb, close to the entrance, on a ledge with a dead body.
9. On the table by the window inside the gulag radio room.
Explorer’s Satchels in Soviet Installation
Six satchels are scattered across the map – they’ll mark various other collectibles on your map. They are spread all over the map (even in tombs), so don’t expect to collect them all before you’ve unlocked the entire area.
10. Outside of the old soviet base, next to a corpse.
11. On the cliffs before the entrance to the Voice of God tomb (to the left).
12. Inside the Red Mine tomb, behind a mine cart.
13. Next to a frozen corpse in the far north of the map.
14. In a cave in the eastern part of the map, under an opening.
15. In a cave under the gulag, accessible through a hole in the floor.