Soviet Installation Challenges | Rise of The Tomb Raider

Challenges are side activities you can pursue in Rise of The Tomb Raider. There are four of them in Soviet Installation – Into Darkness, Data Corruption, Difference of Opinion and Capture The Flag.
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Finishing them will count towards 100% completion of the map, and you’ll get various bonuses for doing it. This guide will show you how to beat all Soviet Installation Challenges.

Into Darkness

Tomb Raider Into Darkness Challenge Map
Click to enlarge.
This is the easiest challenge out there. You’ll have to come close to and/or enter the caves to complete it. You need to enter five caves to complete the challenge, but there are eight of them in total.

Data Corruption

Tomb Raider Soviet Installation Challenge Data Corruption Map
Click to enlarge.
To complete this challenge, you’ll have to find and shoot red laptops in order to destroy the enemy’s intel. Four of the laptops are found in close vicinity of the camp, but you’ll have to go through the tunnel in the camp to reach the last six.

Difference of Opinion

Tomb Raider Difference of Opinion Challenge Map
Click to enlarge.
If you’re looking to finish this challenge, you’ll have to find and burn the posters scattered around the southern part of the Soviet Installation Map. To do this efficiently, you’ll need to have fire arrows.

Capture the Flag

Tomb Raider Capture the Flag Challenge Soviet Installation Map
Click to enlarge.
You need a combat knife to complete this challenge. You’ll get this weapon later on in the game and you’ll have to return to this place to complete it. Find and cut down the soviet flags to finish it.
Author Lokesh profile picture
Lokesh still remembers Purra, the cat from Aion, and how finding her and helping other players by spreading the information made him feel proud. Presenting precise and clear guidelines that readers can easily comprehend is the goal he strives for. That being the case, please excuse the numerous lists and tables in his articles.


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