Varcolac Alfa Location Resident Evil 8 - Leader of the Pack
The RE8 Varcolac Alfa location is what you’ll have to figure out on your journey to complete the Leader of the Pack challenge. It requires you to take down the Varcolac Alfa, which is an issue on itself. More importantly, you need to figure out where to find the Varcolac Alfa in Resident Evil Village, which you can easily miss if you don’t explore. So, in our Varcolac Alfa Location Resident Evil 8 – Leader of the Pack guide, we’ll show you where to find this monster and how to take it down.

Varcolac Alfa Location Resident Evil 8
The location of the RE8 Varcolac Alfa for the Leader of the Pack challenge is in the Fallow Plot, east of the church in the village. You’ve been here before; it’s the area covered in tall grass that you went through on your way to Luiza’s house in the beginning of the game. However, the Varcolac Alfa will not appear until after you defeat Moreau in the Reservoir. After you defeat that slime, your next target is technically the Stronghold. However, don’t make a beeline for it; instead, head to the Fallow Plot first. Don’t just go in willy-nilly, because the tall grass limits your visibility, and the monster is really strong. Speaking of…
How to Take Down Varcolac Alfa RE8
To take down the Resident Evil 8 Varcolac Alfa at its location and complete the Leader of the Pack challenge, we recommend stocking up on Pipe Bombs, Mines, and some strong ammo, like grenades and magnum bullets (if you don’t know where to find the latter, check out our Resident Evil Village Magnum guide). The strategy is simple, but not easy. Basically, you have to bait the monster into the explosions until it gets staggered, and then whip out the grenade launcher or the magnum. Rinse and repeat until the beast is down for good. Mind you, this beast is one of the most powerful creatures in the game aside from the bosses, so tread very lightly.