Resident Evil Village Fish Locations - Finest Fish RE8
Fish locations in Resident Evil 8 are ponds that you can find fish in. Some of these ponds have more than one fish, and you have to catch them all, including the elusive Resident Evil Village Phantom Fish, aka Finest Fish. The problem here is that some of the ponds are missable, and even if you do find them all, you might not catch all the fish in there. So, to help you out, we’ve put together our Resident Evil Village Fish Locations – Finest Fish RE8 guide.

Resident Evil Village Fish Locations
There are several fish locations in Resident Evil Village. The first one is just after you leave Castle Dimitrescu, to the southwest of the save point, in the cave system. The second location is a pond next to the bridge that leads into the Mines. Location #3 is another pond right after the first boat ride, in a side cave. The fourth fishing pot is next to the Broken Windmill in the Reservoir; go there before accessing the elevator. The fifth place to fish is in a pond at the end of the river from Castle Dimitrecu. That’s where you find the Finest Fish (more on that in a bit). The final spot is inside Otto’s Mill, in the meat processing area.

A few things to note about the fish locations in Resident Evil 8 Village. The first one is that some of these ponds are missable. If you gloss over them, or miss a fish in a pond you found, you’ll have to go into New Game + to get them all. Second, you have to shoot the fish to catch them. Third, you use the fish in the Duke’s Kitchen to make some useful stuff. Fourth and final point – the Phantom Fish. There is no fish that actually bears that name; what the photo is pointing you towards is the Finest Fish. Speaking of…
Where to Find Finest Fish in Resident Evil Village
To find the Resident Evil 8 Finest Fish, which is the solution to the Resident Evil Village Phantom Fish photo, you need to complete the Moreau’s Drowned Houses section and collect the Crank. After you defeat the boss of that area, go to the Altar, then go west down the Lone Road. Head to the north when you can, and use the Crank to lower the drawbridge. Go down to the boat and sail south, all the way down. At the very end, you’ll find a small pond with three fish. That’s the fifth Resident Evil Village Fish Location that we’ve discussed above. The gold one is the Finest Fish. Shoot ’em all and be on your way. By the way, if you sail the boat to the north, you’ll come across the Riverbank Treasure House.