Beneviento Treasure Resident Evil 8 Village
Resident Evil 8 Village Beneviento treasure is one of many valuable treasure items that you can find hidden across the map. This one in particular requires you to find a special item in a completely different location to unlock access to the treasure. So, you might have a couple of questions right now, such as how to get the Resident Evil Village Benevento treasure, and what do you do with it once you have it. We’ll tell you all about it in our Beneviento Treasure Resident Evil 8 Village guide.

How to Get Resident Evil 8 Village Beneviento Treasure
To get the Beneviento Treasure in Resident Evil 8 Village, after you return to the village for the third time from House Beneviento, go to the graveyard. One of the crypts that is normally locked will now be open, so go inside and pick up the Broken Slab. The crypt is near the entrance to Castle Dimitrescu, on the left. This is the only time you can pick up the Broken Slab, so don’t miss it!
Now, go all the way back to the grave near House Beneviento. You can’t miss it; it dominates the entire area. Beware the miniboss that will come crashing into the scene. After you defeat the monster, interact with the broken grave slab, and place the Broken Slab item. This will open the grave, and the Beneviento treasure, aka Berengario’s Chalice, is yours for the taking.
How to Use Resident Evil 8 Village Benevento Treasure Berengario’s Chalice
To use the Benevento Treasure in Resident Evil 8 Village, called Berengario’s Chalice, all you need to do is go to the Duke’s Emporium and sell it. As is the case with all Treasure items in the game, like the Crystal Skulls, the Beneviento Treasure in Resident Evil 8 Village is really only good for selling for Lei. So, go ahead and find the Duke, wherever is most convenient for you, and enter the Duke’s Purse section. Select the chalice and sell it for a whopping 18,000 Lei. It seems like a lot, but once you start buying inventory space upgrades, you’ll need every single penny.