Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Trophy / Achievement list
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is a horror game. You play as Ethan Winters, a man looking for his missing wife on the Baker estate. Things take a turn for the macabre, and you have to escape, defend yourself from monsters and discover the secrets of the Baker family. The game comes with a few dozen achievements. They’re obtainable by killing enemies a certain way, finding collectibles, completing important story beats and doing other, more specific actions. In this guide, we’re going to show you a list of all Resident Evil 7 achievements / trophies and how to unlock them.

Note: There are 11 hidden trophies / achievements, we’ll update the list as soon as we unlock them.
Name | Desc | Trophy |
Biospalttered | Unlock all trophies | Platinum |
She’s Alive | Travel to Louisiana | Bronze |
Playing it Safe | Complete the game on Easy | Bronze |
The Nightmare’s Finally over | Complete the game on Normal | Bronze |
Who’s Your Daddy Now | Complete the game on Madhouse | Silver |
Behind Closed Doors | Close an open door by yourself | Bronze |
Arms in the Air | Block an enemy attack by guarding | Bronze |
A-ha! | Obtain something by closely examining an item | Bronze |
Master of Unlocking | Use a lock pick to open something | Bronze |
Nice Try | Put an unrealated object on a shadow plinth. | Bronze |
Open your Eyes | Use psychostimulants | Bronze |
In the Bag | Increase your item slots | Bronze |
Things Got Personal | Finish off an enemy with a knife | Bronze |
Slash Slash, Slashity Slash! | Clear insects off a door using a knife. | Bronze |
Less is More | Take down two or more enemies with one shot. | Silver |
That’s a Spicy Meat-a-ball | Kill an enemy by attaching a Remote Bomb to them and detonating it. | Bronze |
1st Place at the Science Fair | Create all items that contain Chem Fluid and Strong Chem Fluid. | Bronze |
Can’t Catch Me | Complete the "Mia" videotape without being spotted by Marguerite. | Bronze |
Out Before Dessert | Complete the "Happy Birthday" videotape within 5 minutes. | Silver |
Be Kind, Please Rewind | Watch all the videotapes in a single playthrough. | Bronze |
Pelicans in Your Pocket | Obtain all of the Antique Coins in Easy or Normal difficulty. | Silver |
Mad Pelicans | Obtain all of the Antique Coins in Madhouse difficulty. | Silver |
The Devil Is in the Details | Read all of the files in a single playthrough. | Silver |
He’s Here, There, Everywhere | Destroy a Mr. Everywhere statuette. | Bronze |
Mr. Nowhere | Destroy all Mr. Everywhere statuettes. | Silver |
Just Get Me Outta Here | Complete the game within 4 hours | Gold |
Resource Manager | Complete the game without opening the Item Box more than 3 times. | Gold |
Walk it Off | Complete the game using only 3 First Aid Meds or less. | Gold |
Some of the hidden trophies which I’ve acquired include: The two ending trophies both of which are silver rarity. You get these trophies by choosing one of two endings. A Silver rarity trophy called back off Ms.B in which you damage Marguerite enough in the old house she runs away. Fly Swatter Silver where you fight mutated Marge and knock her out while she’s leaping towards you. That’s all I’ve seen so far
Thanks for this post.. Really gonna love this game.