Resident Evil 7 Backpack Locations - How to increase inventory size
Backpacks are special items in Resident Evil 7. They’re inventory extenders – they increase your pocket space, allowing you to carry more stuff with you. Gathering them will allow you to stop backtracking to the item box every few minutes. There are only a few of them, and each one adds four new inventory slots. Getting them might not be easy, but they’re worth the trouble. In this guide, we’re going to show you all Resident Evil 7 backpack locations, to help you increase your inventory size.

How to increase inventory in Resident Evil 7
The first backpack is at the old house. It’s in the save room across the rickety bridge from the gallery, outside the main building. It’s on the table, right next to the tape recorder.
Another backpack is hidden in the storage room next to the master bedroom. It’s on the second floor of the main house, and you’ll need the snake key to enter it. It’s on the top shelf of a small rack on the right.
You can get another one once you reach the wrecked ship. You’ll need a bottle of corrosive for this one – don’t worry, there’s another one waiting for you next to the backpack. Go to the northeastern part of the first floor, to the recreation room. Use the corrosive to destroy the lock. Once inside, you’ll see the backpack on the left, on a metal table.
There might be more – the inventory UI clearly has space for at least another row – but we haven’t found them yet. We’ll update the guide if and when we do. In case you have a backpack that isn’t listed here, feel free to let us know in the comments.
I also picked up backpack #4 in the salt mines just before first save point when you take control of Ethan right after Mia playing.
I did not take any of backpack #1-3, may be they give you a last chance in that case and give you a backpack #4
Picked the one up in the salt mines backpack #4 right after the wrecked ship in a shack. Also in there was a mr everything and a sign that said salt mines. No preorder but did play and beat beginning hour not sure it has an effect tho
Theres also one in the boat house where you find mia before you vs jack for the final time that cant be picked up
im pretty sure i saw the one in the salt mines first time around but it wouldnt let me pick it up.
There’s another backpack in the salt mines
Where at exactly in the Salt Mine? Could you please specify?? Thanks man!
It’s by the last item box, in the same room you make the Necrotoxin if I remember right
I’ve seen a few people play through where they get the backpack shortly after taking control of Ethan, both players had the “Supply Box” from Zoe (which I didn’t get) and one had the Defense Coin (which I also didn’t get). But every time I’ve played through (3 times now) that backpack was never there. These items, to include the backpack, may be linked to pre-order, beating the demo, and/or beginning hour.
@Christian did you pre-order 7, and/or beat the demo and/or Beginning Hour with twighlight/midnight expansions or whatever?
Items Near The Salt mines Are items you didn’t collect previously.
so by instance if you didn’t pick up the backpack at the old would appear at the Swamp